mcfly-slash ... Come back to who you were ... Chapter 7

Jan 10, 2007 12:34

okay folks, that would be the end then ...

Title: Come back to who you were
Author: would be me
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 7/7
Genre: Drama
Pairing: Harry/Dougie
Summary: Dougie has had an accident ... and a new life to follow
Disclaimer: me no own, this no true
Dedication: goes out to me wee Cazza ... the only reason why I am even writing anything McFly! and to my trustful readers of the previous chapter who once more made me all warm inside .. danni1112, markie98, harryslilduck, hero_elvi (cheater!), mymoonmagic, scribblemusic, ichnal, shaneomac69, ktandtf4life, okthnxbye and stfoosa
Author’s note: At first I wanted this to be more like “The Notebook” but the more I wrote the less it turned out like it. But I like what resulted in the end.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6

Chapter 7

In the end it was probably the best thing I ever could have done, telling Dougie that he and me used to be a couple. Even though I had never actually felt it but the tension that had been between us was suddenly gone.

It was like our talk in the park had taken our new found friendship to another level. We were free to act absolutely normal and careless around each other again. Living with each other became easier than ever. So easy that, in fact, we decided to get a bigger flat and move in with each other for good. I barely had been to my own place ever since Dougie’s accident so why not officially living with him?

My sleeping place also changed. Every night I would share Dougie’s bed with him and some mornings we woke up curled to one another. It wasn’t awkward, just funny. Not even in our sleep we could keep our hands off each other even though there never was any sort or form of intention to be near the other one.

We fell back into our old antics at interviews that became more and more frequent. And none was made without the usual jokes about me and Dougie being oh so in love or us being attached at the hip. We hugged for pictures like it was the most normal thing on the planet for us.

We had already played a couple of gigs. Just a few smaller ones, not a whole tour. Funny but we need to get used to our life as McFly again. Dougie’s accident is by now half a year ago so we all need time to get back into the whirlwind that used to be our life.

Dougie and me were more inseparable than we’ve ever been but yet, when someone asked us if there was more going on behind closed doors and switched off cameras we always gave the same answer.

We smiled at whoever had asked the question and either of us would say “No, what gives you that idea?”

I never thought it’d feel this good to be with Dougie and not being with him at the same time. Sure, I still loved him more than anything. But he simply didn’t return my feelings anymore so why should I sulk about it? I should be happy with what I have because if I learned one thing from his accident it is that you should enjoy each and every second of your life because you never know if it might be taken brutally away from you from one second to the other.

One evening I came home into the new apartment Dougie and me had gotten. I had spent a out with my brother. I had met him for breakfast and been all over town with him all through the day. Dougie had stayed home, knowing that spending time with just my brother didn’t happen too often for me.

When I came home that evening Dougie was sat in front of his computer, wearing some pyjama bottoms and one of my very old t-shirts. Apparently he’s had a lazy day of doing nothing at all but sitting around in his sleeping clothes.

“Hey you.” I greeted him and ruffled his hair, “What’cha doing?”
“Nothing really. Just messing around the net. How’s your day been?”
“Just great. Here, bought you something.” I placed a few CDs I knew Dougie wanted to have on the desk, smiling as his face lit up. “You’re hungry?” I asked.
“Starving actually.”
“Why haven’t you eaten, boy? You can’t just always wait until your caring friend, and that would be me by the way, comes home to feed you.”
Dougie grinned. “But you never failed to do just that so why bother?”
“You’re useless.” I shake my head still smiling. “But I get the hint. I’ll make us some readymade stuff, alright?”
“Would be fabulous, my dear. And while you do that I’ll be off to pretty myself up for dinner.” Dougie gets up and goes to his room.
“Just don’t get too fancy, I wanna eat before judgement day!” I call after him.

I get into the kitchen and start preparing our food while I hear Dougie singing something sickenly out of tune in the shower. Why is it that he loses all his singing ability the second he enters the bathroom? I make a mental note to ask him about it when he comes out for dinner.

While our dinner comes close to being done the shower’s turned off only to be replaced by some music just the next moment. That means Dougie is getting dressed in his room. He has his ways to do things and he barely does anything with music blasting along to whatever he is doing.

When dinner is done and the table is set there’s only Dougie missing. It’s been quite a while since he started dressing, much longer than he usually does. And there’s no more music coming from his room either. But maybe he’s just ‘having a conversation’ with his lizards and forgot about the time. Or he suddenly had an idea for a song and needed to put it down somewhere before he lost it. Chances are also that he’s just laying on his bed, not doing anything, enjoying some silence.

“Oi Douglas, dinner’s ready.” I call out.

No answer.

I walk up to his room and knock on the door. “Doug?” I ask.

Again no answer.

I open his door a bit to see if he fell asleep or something. But he didn’t. He’s sitting cross-legged on his bed, a scrapbook opened on his lap.

I don’t have to look twice to recognise the scrapbook. The big black one. It holds everything that had to do with his accident. ‘Get well soon’-cards he received while being in hospital, pieces of paper that held his thoughts or songs he wrote. But most of the stuff were cut-outs from newspapers and magazines, telling about the accident.

Dougie barely looked at the stuff as it always made him sad. There must be something wrong if he looked at it now.

“Doug?” I ask again, “You alright?”

“I didn’t see the car.” he says silently, more to himself than to me, “I was blinded by all the flashlights of the cameras … just heard all the people calling out mine and Tom’s names … there was no car … and I tripped over something, maybe a foot … I think I heard Tom screaming my name … and it suddenly was all so bright … and screams, everyone was screaming …”

I stood frozen on my spot while Dougie just stared at the book in his lap, a blank look in his eyes.

Dougie remembered the accident, he knew what had happened.

“Doug, do you …?”
He looked up at me, shock clearly written all over his face. “Yea … I remember. It was there suddenly. I came in here, wanting to get dressed. I had just pulled my t-shirt out of the closet, turned while putting it on and bang! I suddenly saw it all in front of me, the accident, everything.”

I sat down next to Dougie on the bed and looked down at the scrapbook as well. It was opened on a page with a cut-out from a newspaper. The picture showed Dougie laying on the street, Tom standing to the side with someone holding him back from the paramedics that were kneeling at Dougie’s sides.

“You know …” Dougie quietly spoke, his eyes still fixed on the picture and article in front of him, “Next time you’re not going out with us because of a headache and some need for relaxing I’m gonna stay with you no matter what. Because when you say ‘see you tomorrow’ and you return six months later it’s really no fun.”

I have no idea what to say. I have no idea what to do. In fact, I have no idea what to feel either.

He looks up and smiles softly at me. “Feels good to be back. I mean, really back. Back to where I came from. Back to the one I love.”

The last part comes out shy and whispered so silently that I barely hear it at all. But I do and it leaves me speechless even more.

“Harry?” Dougie asks when I haven’t said anything for a few moments.

I’m still at a loss for words so I do the only thing that seems to be right at that specific moment. I gently press my lips onto Dougie’s. He responds immediately by bringing his hand to the back of my neck to hold me in place.

When we break our kiss I pull back and rest my forehead against his. “Welcome back, Dougie.” I whisper.

The End

Comments are appreciated.

PoynterJudd Chaptered [last part]

ps: once more thank you to everyone who read this story. it really means the world to me and that you all loved it was absolutely mindblowing! i hope i won't dissapoint you in the future.

chaptered, angst-drama, romance, mcfly, come back to who you were, poynter-judd

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