Mar 22, 2007 22:00
i totally disappointment myself better than anyone else could. i'm my own worst enemy.
instead of going to the gyn for a couple hours, i sat at home, made dinner, watched a movies and got drunk by myself. depressing. i've already set my alarm for 5am. so i can go to the gym in am for the bootcamp class but i hate crowds and i think there will be a mob that early in the gym.. who knows. i'm totally crossing my fingers there isn't.
scott called me at 7:30. he had just gotten out of the pool.. he's sunburnt. that lucky bitch. haha. i made sure he had sunscreen too! but does the boy put it on, no. he was telling me that apparently there's enough work in florida to keep there for atleast 4 months. i started to get that dry spot in the back of your throat when you get all choked up and a tear fell from my left eye. he said there were options.. and he knows how important it is for ME to work and all that. so he changed his wording to visit on the weekends. with his new job everything is still up in the air, everything is still very new.. i'm nervous. i already moved out of state once, i'm not sure i want to move for a guy again. :double ugh:
i'm taking my drunk ass to bed.