Cross-posted from Facebook

Sep 06, 2014 16:28

Quite some time ago, I was nominated by the friend I have known the longest, to post three positive thoughts or things in my life I'm thankful for, for five days. I haven't forgotten, but I haven't been in the right mindset to do it. I've been reading many other people's 'three things', and I started thinking, that when you're feeling a little off, that is absolutely the time to count your blessings right? So, for the next five days, you get to read my rambles...three things at a time.

Three things I'm thankful for today:

1. Terri. My partner in crime, the love of my life, the one that keeps me grounded. What would I do without her unconditional love, her infectious laughter, her silly habits, her amazing work ethic, her caring heart, and her ability to pull me out of even the deepest funk. Separately I think we're both pretty cool, but together, we're unstoppable!! ;) <3

2. My daughters, Jenna and Stacey. I don't even know what to say that would accurately describe the pride and love I have for these two. Wow, what incredible women they have both grown up to be. I can't imagine being more proud of their accomplishments, and more thrilled that they are both happy and heading towards such bright futures. They say the love for your children is unconditional and all-consuming. Personally, I think even that is an understatement. <3

3. My step-children, Ronnie and Kristen. I'm sure they might be surprised to be included here because it certainly hasn't always been smooth sailing combining our families. All six of us bring our own brand of dysfunction to the table, but we are a family, and we stick together out of love. When I fell in love with their Mom, I wasn't sure exactly where I would fit in their lives, but the fact that they are willing to give me hell just as much as they would their Mother tells me that they've accepted me as parent number two, and with that, I love them both with all my heart. <3

Well enough mush for one day. Stay tuned tomorrow. Maybe I'll be a little less sappy...or maybe not ;)

thanks, love, family

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