Out with the old, in with the new?

Jun 28, 2014 16:37

Since it appears I plan on using it once in a while, I've been trying to clean up my journal a bit. Times have changed, in RL and on LJ, in the time that I haven't been posting so I'm not sure what to do with this space.

I will keep my layout as it was made for me, and it's been here for 11 years... OMG!!! Not sure what do with the the rest though. Keep my fanfiction and other writing? F-Lock old entries? Go through memories and delete? I don't even know who of my f-list are even still around.

Guess I will just make decisions as I go, see who is still posting and commenting and go from there. A big part of my life was spent hanging around here and it seems so long ago. I kinda miss it.

changes, friends, fandom, writing, lj

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