
May 22, 2014 10:42

I am cleaning up a little around here, doing some journal housekeeping, and I started reading a few entries in my memories. One I came across was from 2005 when Stacey was graduating from Grade 7! I was such a proud Mom that day, and OMG it seems like yesterday, but...

...in two weeks I am flying to Ontario to attend the third of Stacey's Graduations...this one from Queen's University with an honours degree in Global Development. How did that happen? How did my little book-worm girl who loved HP (still does), was scared of thunderstorms (still is), adored her Mom (she better still), and was so incredibly shy (not so much any more...lol), get to be such an intelligent, accomplished, fascinating, kind, beautiful, well-travelled, and motivated young woman? The passage of time is such a fickle thing. At times it moves so slowly we could scream, but then we look back and realize that almost 10 years have gone by in just the blink of an eye. Wow! I'm humbled.
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