December 21

Dec 21, 2008 13:38

This is always a wierd day for me.  It is four years today that I was in a serious MVA with my girls.  It's a day that is full of scary horrible memories but yet it's also a day that caused a lot of closeness with my family and a so much thankfulness that we are all still here and mostly healthy.  I recently went through Discoveries with the lawyers from the insurance company of the guy that hit us so it's all quite fresh in my mind this year.  It was an emotionally draining process that I'm glad is over.  Now we just need to get this settled so I can get on with life.

In three days we are driving to Alberta to spend Christmas with the family.  I started freaking out about the roads about a week ago and I'm at almost panic point now.  We've had some bad weather (like everyone else) and I won't relax until we are all there in one piece.  I go through this feeling every year about driving that same road but it's worse this year because of dredging up memories of that day.

Anyway, besides that everything is fine here.  Stacey is back from Nicaragua after the trip of a lifetime.  The other kids are fine and I'm looking forward to seeing Jenna as I haven't seen her since September and she's turning 19 on Dec 25.  Christmas is always fun with my family so I have that to look forward to.

The only sucky things have been the weather and car repairs.  We spend 1200 on winter tires and a broken alternator belt which has really maxed out the credit cards and make Christmas money a little scarce.  Oh well, it's not about the money anyway.  I just want to spend the holidays with the people I love enjoying good company, good food, good drinks, and good fun.

I doubt I'll post again before the holidays since my posting record lately is about once every couple of months.  So, to all of you out there...stay safe and may your holidays be filled with love and laughter.
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