(no subject)

Nov 23, 2008 10:59

So I just realized the last time I updated this thing was on my Birthday, which was two months ago. Apparently, I fail at LJ. *hangs head*

Life goes on here in beautiful BC. No snow yet thankfully. A few wet flurry/rain/sleet things once in a while but nothing that's staying around. I feel for those down East. I hate winter. The cold and damp makes every messed up bone and joint in my body hurt and I just end up counting down to Spring. I think I need to move to someplace where Winter doesn't exist.

My baby girl (Stacey, 16) is in Nicaragua and has been for 2.5 weeks. She comes home on Friday. I've been missing her and of course worrying like crazy and can't wait until she comes home. She has called twice. They are in a pretty remote area and don't have regular electricity, let alone phone service. Apparently she has a wicked tan because it's so hot there. They've been building cattle pens for an orphanage as part of her Global Education program, as well as working with the children in the orphanage. I'm chomping at the bit to sit down and talk with her. I want to hear about every life-changing detail so that I can live vicariously through her.

Other than that, not much new. Lots of teen drama which I try to ignore most of the time, especially since this round hasn't involved me or my kids at all. It's mostly Terri's son and his g/f.

Since this update is mostly boring, have a meme....even more boring.

The girly meme. I don't think I'm girly at all. Feminine occasionally when the mood strikes, but not girly.

A: What accessories do you wear everyday?
My wedding rings, a sapphire ring my Mom bought me, a pewter/mother of pearl ring Terri bought me, a god chain with a heart charm Terri bought me, and my watch

B: What is your beauty routine?
Shower, put moisturiser on my face, brush teeth, get dressed, put hair in ponytail.

C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
A pair of jeans and a pair of blue cotton pants...last weekend.

D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?

E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now?
None.  I do wear gold ones ( I have a few) occasionally though but nothing that isn't gold because I'm allergic.

F: What type of figure do you have (measurements)?

G: Do you wear glasses?
No, but I should.

H: What type of handbag do you carry?
I don't.  On the rare occasion I need more than my wallet and cell phone, I carry a backpack.

I: What is your ideal style?
Jeans and a t-shirt, comfortable shoes.  Shorts or capris (occasionally a skirt) in summer.

J: What is your favorite brand of jeans?
No specific brand.  Whatever feels good and looks ok.

K: Do you wear knee-hi stockings?

L: Do you *have* to wear matching lingerie?

M: Do you wear makeup?
Very rarely.

N: Do you wear nightgowns?
Not to sleep, but sometimes to wander around in the evening and they're more like long cotton nightshirts.

O: What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winters day?
My dark green London Fog jacket, a knit scarf and mittens.  Occasionally a wool hat or headband if it's really cold and I'm staying outside.

P: What is your favorite perfume?
Giorgio's Red or Opium

Q: Is your motto "quality over quantity" when it comes to clothing and accessories?
Not really.  I wear what I like, neither quality or quantity are an issue.

R: Do you wear rain boots?
No.  I wear lace-up hiking boots outside in the winter and sandals inside.

S: Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold?

T: Do you have a set of travel luggage?
I have luggage.  It's not a set.

U: What is your daily uniform?
For work, slacks, capris, or skirt and a nice top...sometimes jeans and my branded work vest if I don't feel like dressing it up.

V: If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? If not, how did you do your hair?
The first time I was married, I wore a veil and my hair was down in curls.  The second time I married I wore a sundress, no veil, and my hair was long and straight.

W: Do you wear a watch?
Yes.  A gold/platinum-plated Bulova with a heart shaped diamond in it.  It was an anniversary gift from Terri

X: What item of clothing always makes you feel beautiful?
My wedding dress, which is a basic sundress so I still wear it if I need to dress up for any reason in the Summer.

Y: What is your favorite type of yarn?
Any soft wool.

Z: Do you prefer zippers or buttons?
Probably zippers.
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