(no subject)

Feb 21, 2008 23:11

So I fail at updating this thing. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Not too much new to report though. Got a well-deserved raise at work and so did Terri so that will help with the seemingly endless lack of money around here.

Been going to open houses a lot...getting ideas for when my accident settlement comes through. It's looking like it will be in the next 6 months or so anyway. Shitty way to get money but I'll take it.

Kids are fine. Stacey brought home her latest straight A honours letter. She got the highest grade on the Principles of Math 11 final exam and she's only in grade 10. She's applying for a Global Education program for next year that will take her to a third world country for a few weeks. There are 30 spots and over 100 applicants but I'm pretty optimistic she'll get in. Cross your fingers.

Work is never boring...occasionally annoying and always fun. Yesterday I was writing a marketing report for a tourism grant and tomorrow I'm running science camp for 12 kids. Never the same thing twice...lol.

The puppy is growing and driving us nuts...but we love her to death and spoil her rotten. She is almost 7 months old now and weighs a whopping 6.5 pounds. We had her spayed last week and she's been running around like nothing happened ever since. Brave little girl.

My Mum and Jenna were out for a visit last weekend. It was great to see them. It's strange that Jenna is all grown up now. I miss my little girl.

Well I don't have anything interesting to write so I'll go back to paying bills. UGH!!!! How's life out in LJ land?
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