Holiday Ficathon: More than Friends

Oct 08, 2008 09:21

Hi folks!

I know it may seem a bit early to announce a holiday ficathon, but my fellow mods and I want to allow writers plenty of time to write, given that November and December tend to be rather insane months. (We're also hoping to pick up a few of you who enjoy writing for National Novel Writing Month, which starts November 1st - epic fanfiction... woo-hoo!) :)

Ficathon Guidelines

Prompt Gathering: October 8th - October 25th
Prompt Posting: October 26th
Writing Period: October 8th - December 15th
Posting Period: December 1th - December 15th

This ficathon will be an claimed-prompt ficathon, based on the theme "More than Friends".

1) All stories must have Nine/Rose as the focused ship, as is on-topic for this comm. Other characters are welcome and encouraged. Character bashing is not allowed.

2) Fics must be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum.

3) All rating levels are welcome.

4) Writers may either use an idea of their own (we want you to jump into that inspired idea!), or select from the prompts that will be posted on October 26th.

5) For those who decide to select prompts - the number of people allowed per prompt and the number of prompts per person will be determined upon the total number of prompts submitted.

6) If your personal time allows, you are welcome to write more than one fic for this ficathon.

7) You must have your fic beta'ed. You may use your own beta, or request assistance from the list that will be provided once prompts are posted.

8) Writers will be responsible for posting their own fanfiction during the posting period.

9) Multi-part fics are welcomed. However - the piece must be completed and posted in its entirety by the December 15th posting deadline.

Headers and Tags Information for Posting

When posting your fic, please provide the following information in your header:

Spoilers (if applicable to Series 4):
Author Notes:

Please make sure in your author notes that you mention the piece is for this ficathon. Once you've posted your piece to hearts_in_time, we would ask that you please wait 24 hours before posting it elsewhere.

Please make sure your fic has the following tags: "ficathon, nine/rose". Any other applicable tags can also be added.

SO... this is a call for prompts. Any and all prompts are welcome. Be as specific or as general as you'd like. All comments are screened so we can keep these prompts a surprise until the 26th.

Prompt acception is now closed for this ficathon - thank you to all who submitted ideas!

If you have questions, please feel free to ask in comments. Comments are screened - if you require a private reply, please let us know, otherwise responses will be unscreened to the group.

announcement, ficathon stuff, !mod posts

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