(no subject)

Sep 23, 2006 00:11

Title: Better Than Sex
Author: sc_angel72
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine! Just like to play in the BBC’s sandbox.
Summary: “Doubt there’s a man alive who can top this,” Rose sighed, dragging the back of the spoon over the softening ice cream and lifting it to her lips.

A/N: I blame this fic fully on wendymr. Well, her and the pint of Hagen-Daaz Sticky Toffee Pudding ice cream I bought this afternoon. But she encouraged me! Thanks go to wendymr and dark_aegis for doing the beta work. Written for the hearts_in_time ‘Seduction’ challenge, except with Rose in the driver’s seat.

Rose juggled several bags as she stood in the rain and slid in key into the TARDIS lock. Getting in and closing the door behind her was another acrobatic act.

“Oi! What’re you doing? Trying to flood the TARDIS?” the Doctor asked, peeking out from under the console as she slammed the door against the rain.

“Yeah, that’s what I was goin’ for,” Rose muttered sourly. “Thanks for the help, by the way.” She managed to push her wet hair out of her face with her forearm and smacked herself in the face with a bag of shopping for her trouble.

The Doctor just grinned and slid back under the console.

“Bloody tosser,” she groused, trekking through the room toward the kitchen.

“I heard that!” the Doctor yelled after her, sounding affronted.

She snorted. “Glad those ears are good for something, then!”

In the kitchen, Rose muttered to herself as she plunked the bags on the table. As she stripped out of her wet jacket and sneakers, it occurred to her that no matter how much the Doctor denied doing domestic, he did it awfully well.

“Can’t believe I went to Tesco’s in the rain for the plonker and he couldn’t even be arsed to help,” she said to the empty room as she put the shopping away. By the time it was done, her pique had faded slightly. Enough that she initially pulled out two spoons with the tub of ice cream she’d bought. Still, she hesitated, looked at the ice cream, looked at the spoons, then put one back with a malicious smile.

Waltzing back down to the control room, Rose perched on the captain’s chair and peeled the top off the ice cream.

“Back to insult me some more?” the Doctor asked, shooting her a baleful look as he looked out at her from the console’s mass of wiring.

Rose tucked her bare feet up underneath herself and smiled sweetly. “Why? You didn’t get enough the first time?”

“I never!” the Doctor sniffed, pulling himself deeper into the guts of the TARDIS.

“That’s kind of obvious. Nobody who has is that uptight,” Rose said with a wicked grin as she dipped her spoon into the ice cream.

There was a muffled thunk and a garbled curse from under the console. “I am not uptight, thank you very much.”

Rose didn’t answer. She’d put a spoonful of the ice cream in her mouth and immediately forgotten about the Doctor. It was that good. “Oh god,” she groaned softly.

There was a sudden silence from the console.

Fully focused on her ice cream, Rose took another bite and let out a soft moan. She’d never tasted anything that good in her entire life. A lot of clangs and clatters seemed to be coming from the Doctor’s general area, but it didn’t bother her in the least. The ice cream hadn’t sent her out in the rain and it certainly was doing its duty to make her a very satisfied woman.

Around six spoonfuls in, the clattering stopped and the Doctor spoke again. “What the hell are you doing over there?” he demanded, his voice sounding a little strained.

“Mmmmm,” Rose replied. She wasn’t about to take the spoon out of her mouth to give him an answer.

A soft thud followed by another curse drifted out from under the console, followed by the Doctor, rubbing the top of his head. He sat there and stared at her. “You’re eating ice cream?” he asked incredulously.

Rose smiled and nodded, licking the back of the spoon with a dreamy look. “Am I ever,” she sighed.

If the Doctor’s mouth dropped open just a little as she turned the spoon over and swirled her tongue over the front, neither of them remarked on it.

“Why? Am I botherin’ you?” she asked, eyes dancing.

“Me? Not a bit,” the Doctor replied, standing and nearly tripping when he stepped on his toolbox.

Rose smirked and shrugged. “S’okay if I am. Might need to take this private anyway. This stuff might be better than sex.” She spooned up another bite and sighed luxuriously as it melted on her tongue.

The Doctor kicked the toolbox out of his way and folded his arms over his chest. “Better than sex? I’ll tell Rickey you said that,” he drawled.

“Doubt there’s a man alive who can top this,” Rose sighed, dragging the back of the spoon over the softening ice cream and lifting it to her lips.

“Pretty broad generalization there,” the Doctor remarked. She noticed that his eyes were glued to the spoon that was getting quite a bit of attention from her tongue. He cleared his throat and attempted to lean nonchalantly against the console. “Not one man in all of time and space?”

Rose considered the question for a minute, took another bite, and shook her head. “Nope. Sorry. Although if you think you find somebody, let me know. Maybe I’ll do some experimentin’,” she teased.

He snorted. “Course, that leaves out all the aliens.”

“True, but then you never know what you’re goin’ to get with an alien, do you? Besides, for all I know, most of ‘em are like you,” she pointed out, trying desperately not to grin.

The Doctor rose to the bait. “Like me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know.” Rose gestured at him with her spoon. “You look male an’ all that, but that doesn’t mean you… well, you know… have the right bits. For all I know you could be a female to your species. Or could be you’re nothin’ at all.”

“I am not a woman,” the Doctor snapped. “Or… nothing,” he added disgustedly.

She smiled innocently, took another bite and moaned as she slumped against the seat. “Never had better.”

“Will you stop that!” The Doctor reached for her spoon, but she squeaked and pulled it up against her chest, leaving a smear of sticky ice cream near her collarbone.

“Back off!” Rose laughed, trying to give him a glare, but failing miserably. “You didn’t help carry in the shoppin’, so you don’t get any. Don’t know why you’re getting all stroppy just ‘cause I’m enjoying my ice cream.”

The Doctor was looming over her in one step, his blue eyes so intense that they made her shiver. “Don’t you?” he drawled softly. “I think you know exactly what you’re doing, Rose Tyler, and you’re playing with fire.”

Rose wondered how he could turn the tables so quickly, and scooped up a bite of ice cream as a distraction. “Nah, just ice cream,” she said with a bright smile as she held up the spoonful. The Doctor grabbed her wrist and tilted it so the cold mess slopped onto her chest and down the neckline of her tank top.

“Doctor!!!” she cried out.

He gave her a look that would have melted every tub of ice cream in Tesco’s. “If you’re not going to share, I’ll have to get my own taste, won’t I?” he asked, leaning in so close that she forgot to breathe. A second later, she couldn’t breathe if she’d wanted to. Not with the Doctor’s tongue tracing the ice cream trail down the center of her chest.

Knowing he had to feel her heart thudding out of her chest, Rose forgot all about her teasing. He seemed to be intent on finding every molecule of ice cream and removing it from her skin. Granted, he was driving her insane in the process. By the time he made his way back up to her collarbone, she was very aware that she’d lost control of the game.

“Sweet,” the Doctor murmured, nipping at her chin and hovering so tantalizingly close to her lips that she wanted to whimper in frustration. Still, she couldn’t make it that easy for him.

“Me or the ice cream?” Rose asked in a voice a bit higher pitched than normal.

The Doctor grinned wolfishly. “Haven’t made up my mind yet. Going to take a few more tests, I think.”

Rose blinked. “Tests?” She told herself that she hadn’t squeaked. It was a nice fantasy. “W-What kind of tests?”

Nudging her knees apart, the Doctor stepped between her legs and pulled her fully up against his chest. “Thought I’d start with something like this…”

Then he kissed her and Rose finally understood how people could describe a kiss as moving the earth under their feet. In fact, everything around her seemed to fade away as she clung to the Doctor. And, oh god, he knew how to kiss. He did things with his lips and his tongue that had to be illegal somewhere in the universe.

When he finally pulled back, she was dazed and breathing like she’d just been running for her life. The Doctor looked smug, but there was something in his eyes that told he wasn’t as unaffected as he might like to pretend. His hand skimmed down her shoulder and to her hip as he watched her.

“So, Rose Tyler, how far did you plan on taking this?” he asked in a husky voice that made her knees weak even though she was sitting down.

Rose swallowed, trying to find her voice. “Hadn’t thought much past not lettin’ you have any of my ice cream,” she said weakly, wondering where all her snappy comebacks had gone off to.

“Ah,” the Doctor said simply, a knowing look in his eyes.

That did it. No way was she going to let him pat her on the head and send her off like a silly little girl who didn’t know what she was doing. She lifted her arms and linked her wrists behind his neck, her smile matching his. “How about you, Doctor? How far are you plannin’ on takin’ this?” she purred.

Something flared in his eyes. She couldn’t put a finger on the exact emotion, but Rose was fairly sure she’d surprised him. He only let her have the upper hand for a second. In the next, his hands were gripping her hips and pulling her up against him, making it clear just how far he was able to take things.

Her gasp was audible as he leaned her back in the chair and rocked against her. Even through layers of denim, the friction was enough to make her press back against him and whimper softly. In the back of her mind, she cursed whoever’d invented clothes in the first place.

“Doctor,” Rose sighed, tightening her arms around his neck and nipping at his earlobe. He shuddered in response and then went very still for a moment before pulling back.

“Be very sure, Rose,” he said, voice audibly strained. “There’s no going back from here.”

She stared at him stupidly for a moment until she realized he was giving her an out if she hadn’t meant for things to go as far as they had. A smile curved her lips in response. If he had any idea about the fantasies she’d had with him as the star, he’d never have asked that question.

“Don’t want to go back. Just forward,” she said, heart pounding as she reached down, grabbed the hem of her top and swept it over her head. “Besides, you didn’t finish cleanin’ up that mess you made,” she added, glancing down to where the melted ice cream had spilled over her bra and made a shiny trail on her belly.

A slow, sexy smile dawned across the Doctor’s face. It was one Rose had never seen before. She decided right there that she was willing to do just about anything to make sure she saw it more often in the future.

“Obviously I’ve fallen down on the job,” he drawled, shrugging out of his jacket and hanging it from a lever jutting out from the console. The jumper came next, ever so slowly, as if he were trying to kill her, one glimpse of skin at a time.

It was a close thing, too. She’d known he was strong, but seeing muscles moving under gloriously bare skin just made Rose’s heart skip oddly. Then he was reaching for her, large, capable hands drifting over her shoulders and down her back. She held her breath as he found the catch of her bra and flicked it open with one swift movement, baring her to his gaze.

The TARDIS wasn’t cold by any means, but she shivered, feeling her nipples tighten as the Doctor’s fingers traced slow, teasing patterns over the delicate skin. “Gorgeous,” he murmured, leaning in to taste where he had just touched.

Rose groped for his shoulders, drowning in sensation like she’d never experienced before. Mickey had never touched her like his only interest was to make her burn from the inside out. The Doctor was doing an admirable job of it, too. He seemed to know how she wanted to be touched when she wasn’t even sure of it herself. Or maybe it was just being with him.

She whimpered as he swirled his tongue around her belly button as if they had all the time in the universe. And maybe they did, but for once she was the one in a hurry. He seemed to sense it and grinned wickedly at her as his fingers toyed with the button on her jeans.

“You’re enjoyin’ this, aren’t you?” Rose said breathlessly as she watched him hover there between her knees.

The Doctor cocked a brow at her. “Aren’t you?”

“Get me out of these jeans and you’ll see just how much,” she retorted, knowing she’d met her mark when his eyes seemed to darken further.

He still toyed with her jeans, though, making her squirm helplessly. “Ever heard the saying that patience is a virtue?”

“I don’t want to be patient. I want you!” Rose gasped, lifting her hips as his fingers drifted over the denim between her legs.

The Doctor smiled at her; that earth-shattering, heart-stopping, breath-stilling smile. “Ah, the magic words,” he murmured huskily, tugging her out of her jeans and knickers before she could do more than smile back stupidly. Then he was kissing her, making her world spin out of control once more while his fingers explored and teased her.

She moaned out into his mouth as he found the perfect rhythm, just one fingertip brushing feather-light against her, over and over again. It amazed her the way he played her body, bringing everything to a crescendo so quickly then gently pulling her back from the edge.

“Like that, do you?” he whispered roughly against her lips as she rocked her hips against his hand.

“God, yes,” Rose gasped in return. He knew her inside and out. There was no need to play games. Still, she whimpered as he eased away from her, leaving her shivering with the loss of his touch.

His hands went to the fastenings of his jeans, but never one to be passive, she sat up and brushed them away. He hesitated for just a moment then let her. When she’d eased his jeans over his hips and he’d stepped out of them, Rose looked at him for a long moment. He was perfect in her eyes. Everything she dreamed about and then some.

And quite exquisitely male. No question about it. Catching her lower lip in her teeth, she reached out and ran her fingers over him. The Doctor’s sharp inhale and subtle thrust forward burned away any hesitation she had. Bolder, she wrapped her fingers around him, testing length and width. He groaned.

“Like that, do you?” she asked with a grin, tongue poking out between her teeth as she turned his words back on him.

“Witch,” he growled, reaching out and tugging her to the very edge of the chair.

She released him and held her arms out to him in invitation. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

The Doctor’s hand moved up her thigh as he leaned in, positioning himself with the other. “Yes,” he said fiercely, sliding into her body and driving away all thoughts of teasing. When he was fully sheathed inside her, he paused and looked at her in a way she knew she’d never forget: like she was the most beautiful, desired woman to ever exist and his satisfaction at making her his was… primal.

Being the object of that look was heady. It made her feel powerful and daring in a way Rose had never experienced before. Wrapping her legs around the Doctor’s waist, she tugged him down until she could reach his mouth and kissed him. Kissed him and tried to pour everything she’d felt for him since the beginning into the embrace.

“Rose,” he groaned against her lips as he began to move slowly within her. Yet another new experience. There was no race for the finish. Hearts were pounding and breath was short, but there was still a sense of drawing it out, both of them wanting the moment to last.

The Doctor pulled back again, just enough so that he could watch her. It was as if he were cataloging her every reaction, every gasp, every sigh. And frankly, being watched so closely was incredibly exciting. Still, she wanted to see him come undone as well. With a smoldering look, Rose tightened her legs and pushed her hips up to meet his thrust. The Doctor shivered, a low, guttural noise escaping him.

“So that’s the way you want it?” he asked, giving her a look that promised all manner of dark, exciting things. And then he pulled back, angled his hips and thrust hard. It was like something exploded behind her eyes. She didn’t even know it was possible to feel that kind of pleasure without everything being over and done with.

Her nails dug into his arms. “Oh god, do that again,” she begged, eyes fluttering closed as she came closer and closer to the edge. With every thrust she cried out, not really caring how it sounded. It was bliss and it was torture all at once and she never wanted it to stop.

She was beyond herself as the Doctor increased the pace, his breathing as erratic as her own. He was murmuring to her, encouraging her, pushing her with his words as much as his body. And then it was happening, the coil of tension tightening until there was nothing left to do but explode. A shout and he was tumbling along with her, strong arms wrapping around her, keeping her from falling alone. She wanted to hold on to the feeling, never let it end, but all too soon it was slipping away, leaving her human and earth-bound once more.

The Doctor’s head was buried in the curve of her neck, his body still shivering with the aftershocks. Rose smiled and stroked a hand over his short hair. His arms tightened around her in response. Even though neither of them spoke, there was a vulnerability about the Doctor in that moment that squeezed her heart.

After a bit, he gently pulled back and looked at her solemnly, all his defenses obviously in place again. “All right?”

“Don’t think there’s a good word for how all right I am,” she replied with a grin.

The Doctor looked smug. “Good answer. But now I have a very important question for you.”

Rose tilted her head to the side curiously. “Question?”

“Ah, how soon they forget. You humans,” the Doctor sighed, putting on his benevolent, long-suffering face

“Hey, you didn’t seem to mind ‘us humans’ about two minutes ago,” she huffed, poking him in the stomach.

“I might ‘not mind’ you again in about two minutes, unless you’re going to abuse me,” he declared, eyes sparkling playfully.

Rose’s eyes widened. “Two minutes? Really? Is that a Time Lord thing?”

“Oi! Got to have some secrets here,” the Doctor exclaimed.

She giggled. “Yeah, that’s always important when you’re standin’ naked in the middle of the control room. Do that often, do you?”

“Cheeky,” the Doctor muttered, not able to suppress a grin. “Now stop trying to distract me. I have a very important question to ask you, Rose Tyler.”

Rose schooled her expression and tried to look suitably serious. “I’m ready, Doctor. Ask me anything.”

He arched a brow at her, then leaned in, grinning lasciviously. “Still think that ice cream is better than sex?”
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