Fade to Blonde (2/5ish)

Mar 06, 2014 19:21

Title: Fade to Blonde (2/5ish)
Author: amberfocus
Characters/Pairings: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Jackie Tyler, the Moxx of Balhoon
Genre: Detective potboiler, action/adventure, romance, alternate reality, noir
Rating: Teen
Betas: amyo67
Summary: An heiress doesn't come home and a mother is worried. What's she to do but hire the finest private detective on the Eastern Seaboard to track her daughter down? Set during an abolitionist period in an alternate reality.
Author's Notes: This might take more than 3 chapters. I'm having too much fun with it.

Ch. 2: http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/593542.html

Previous Chapter: http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/592647.html

rose, nine, romance, nine/rose, ninth doctor fic, rose tyler, fic, adventure, ninth doctor

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