Fic: Envy's Slave Chapter Twelve

Jan 26, 2014 21:22

Originally posted by emraldeyedauter at Fic: Envy's Slave Chapter Twelve
Title: Envy's Slave
Author: emraldeyedauter
Characters/Pairings  Ninth Doctor / Rose Tyler (present),  Rose Tyler (future) The Master (Ainley), Henry Van Statten, Diana Goddard, Jack Harkness (later chapters) Other characters created by me and another couple of special guests later on.
Rating: M overall (this chapter T for some swearing)
Beta:  The fabulous jer832

Story summary: Milkshakes, market places, with a helping of slave trade and a dash of green eyed Doctor. It's a recipe for trouble, adventure, heartache and maybe love.

Previous Chapter

Author Note:  It's been two years since I last posted a chapter on this story.  I'm afraid real life had me hostage as I was struggling with my mental health as well as heading back to work after 8 years of full time motherhood.  Thanks to great support from many areas I'm happy and have regained my energy to write again.  My aim is to finish off this story and not keep you all waiting so long again.  Thank you to jer832 for the beta and for pushing me to write my best in her own beautiful way. Oh and this is a very long chapter. Over 10000 words so get comfortable.  xxx

End of Previous Chapter: Picking up the box from the table, the Master turned around to exit the room only to have his path blocked by a woman who seemed somewhat familiar, brandishing a rather impressive looking weapon.

If there was one thing that Rose Tyler learnt from her first dimension canon jump, it was to expect the unexpected. Not unlike her life had been on the TARDIS really, except she didn’t have the Doctor to share it with. A situation she was trying to remedy if she could just find him.

She called the moment she jumped into a new time frame ‘apparating’; the word coming from the Harry Potter movies of her old universe. The Doctor would have laughed at her pop culture reference but Rose had long ceased to take joy in the term. It simply wasn’t funny after the nineteenth or twentieth jump.

This time she found herself in a passageway. She had barely arrived when two aliens whom she recognised as Judoon officers appeared in the corridor before her. Rose pressed herself up against the wall and as the aliens unknowingly passed her she sent another prayer of thanks to the Torchwood inventors for her perception filter. Not wanting to be discovered, she carefully looked up and down the corridor. Further ahead she saw a door.  As she strode towards it she could see that it was partially open, giving her a fairly decent view of the room within.

Rose had met a few of the Doctor’s past regenerations during her jumps, but as she took in the prone leather clad body of her first Doctor she nearly fell to the floor as a flood of emotion threatened to overwhelm her. She never imagined it would hurt this much to see him again. He was the one she had fallen in love with and oh how much they had shared when he finally let himself love her too, in body as well as mind.  But then the Daleks and Satellite five happened.  There were holes in her memory about what happened there but she’d never forget the Doctor regenerating in front of her. Something wet hit her hand and it was only then that she realised she’d teared up. Scolding herself, Rose forced away the painful feelings. No matter how badly she wanted to go to him she had to be on her guard and remind herself that she did not know where this was in the Doctor’s time line. Perhaps it was best if she just left.

Rose was still debating over her decision when she saw a man enter the room from another entrance. She watched him stoop down to pick up something and place it on the table. Immediately she could see it was a box, covered in designs similar to those on the sticky notes that her Doctor had covered the TARDIS monitor with. Alarm bells went off in her head as a sense of déjà-vu settled upon her. Rose knew she’d seen that box before. If her brain would just co-operate - it was still a little addled from the jump - she’d be able to remember when and where.

She was not given time to think however, for the well-dressed stranger moved towards the Doctor and propped him up against a wall. Rose heard the man murmur something and caught the words ‘conversation’ and ‘traditional’ before he raised his hands to the Doctor’s temple. Whatever the stranger was doing, it must have been painful, as Rose heard the Doctor moan in anguish. She wanted to rush in and stop whatever was happening but a quiet presence inside her mind prompted her to wait. This wasn’t the first time she’d felt it. Rose couldn’t figure out if it was her own sense of preservation making judgement calls or her improved Torchwood training instincts paying off. Whatever it was, it had become more persistent since the dimension canon became operational and had been responsible for saving her life many times.

Her train of thought was interrupted when she saw the man rise and give a manic chuckle turning away from the Doctor.  He picked up the box and Rose realised that he was about to leave with it. She briefly closed her eyes as she debated what to do.  As she did so flashes of gold streaked across her brain and the words “Stop him,” echoed inside her mind. Rose winced at the slight pain that accompanied those words but when she opened her eyes again it was as if nothing had happened.  All she did know was the sense of urgency running through her veins.  The box she’d seen was important, and she must stop the stranger from taking it away. Rose took off the perception filter and with determination in her heart, she opened the door up fully and stepped into the room.

She saw the stranger glance over at her in surprise, the curiosity evident in his eyes, but before he could speak she demanded, “What have you done to the Doctor?”

If Rose's sudden appearance had thrown the Master for a loop, he certainly didn't show it. Blinking just once he asked, “Come now my dear, is that any way to start a conversation? And won't you put down your weapon? It's really not necessary.”

The Master's voice was like silk but Rose would not be taken in. “I didn't come for a tea party mate and I think I'll keep my gun right where it is thanks.”

“I’m afraid I am unable to offer you tea anyway.  Quite annoying really since its good manners to offer a guest a drink.  Speaking of good manners, won’t you tell me your name?

Rose couldn’t believe her ears.  She was certain that she’d just seen this man hurt the Doctor and now he was offering her a cuppa.  She almost laughed out loud at the situation.  She knew she was tired and emotionally on edge after so many disappointing jumps but she hadn’t quite lost her sanity yet.

“My name’s classified.  I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.”
The Master had to admire the human’s show of courage. Against a Time Lord she was a little snarling spitting kitten, but something about her intrigued him and that was an event that did not happen very often.

Well if she wasn't going to be talkative he'd try something else. Slowly he reached out his mind in an attempt to probe hers but was shocked when he encountered the psychic barriers that protected her thoughts.

Rose knew he was there the moment he tried to enter her mind.  Thanks to her training at Torchwood she had learnt to erect strong walls around her thoughts and how to recognise a potential psychic attack.  From time to time those barriers had been tested, but they always held strong. There was great power in the mind of this man and so much darkness it scared her.  Even as he tried to gain entry she could see the cruelty behind the charm.  She could feel the anguish and death he had caused so many. Something sparked in her own mind which made her flinch internally from the pain but she ignored it in favour of keeping up a brave front. She couldn’t take him lightly but she could not let him think he had rattled her even it was true.

Gathering all her mental strength, she confronted her attacker. “Nice try, mate.” To the Master's annoyance she smirked at him. “Taught by the best, I was. Oh and talking about manners; didn’t anyone tell you it’s very rude to just try and invade someone's mind without permission?”

The Master stared at Rose, clearly displeased. “You shouldn't be able to do that. You're not special, you're just a human.”

Rose scowled at him. “Yeah, well, guess we both just learned something, whoever you are. Us humans save the world every day.” She glanced over at the Doctor and her face softened. “Besides I'm not just human. I'm the best and he only takes the best.”

The man in front of her snorted loudly. “The Doctor always was a simpleton when it came to the Earthlings. Once upon a time he would have chosen differently but now he is a stain on the heritage of our people.

“Our people,” said Rose slowly, turning the words over in her head even as she quoted them. Quietly she said, “So that means you're a Time Lord … You're the same. But … but he said there were ...”

She never finished her sentence because the Master was striding towards her, anger clearly written across his face.  He stopped about a metre in front of her. “How dare you presume we are the same. I curse him. I curse the Doctor and all he stands for.”

Bravely Rose stood firm against the rage of the Time Lord. She was angry too but somehow she managed to keep it together.  She couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice however as she spoke. “You are mistaken. The Doctor is all that is good and kind and sometimes he has to make difficult decisions but that's because nobody else will. He does what he knows is right and would willingly sacrifice himself for others.”

The Master turned his back on Rose, laughing scornfully. “So emotional, little human. Such passionate words.  How is it possible that my pathetic friend over there can command so much loyalty?” The Master made a sound of disgust. “And you talk of sacrifice. What would you know about sacrifice? A biological creature that lives no more than several decades.  Please do share your insights on the matter.” He expected her to retaliate and when she didn't he turned to face her again. She was looking over at the Doctor, a soft expression on her face. It was evident, to the Master even with his cold heart that this woman cared a great deal for his enemy. He rejoiced in the ammunition that might give him.  Then she turned her focus away from the Doctor and back onto him.  What he saw then almost made him wish she hadn’t.

Despite her weariness Rose was furious.  She wished she could tell this man that she understood the word sacrifice all too well.  She couldn’t help but glance over at her first Doctor and remember leaving her life behind for him.  She’d nearly lost her life a number of times, but every second of every minute had been worth it. Even when he regenerated into her current Doctor she’d never have changed anything, even though the days after losing him were terribly heartbreaking.

The sorrow in her heart only served to increase her anger but as she turned to face the Master there was a sudden pain in her head.  It wasn’t the same as the Master’s attempt to enter her mind.  No, this was different. Rose closed her eyes. Gold flashed behind her eyelids. Then everything exploded in a hail of light. At that moment something took over her consciousness and she was no longer Rose.

The Master let out an audible gasp as the human woman’s eyes met his. Her eyes had been commonplace before but now they glittered with golden flecks that radiated an all - consuming power, one that was impossible to mistake.  Time’s vortex was inside this woman and to some extent that frightened him but it also enticed him. How could a simple human acquire such a gift?  Even the Time Lords couldn’t hold it inside them without risking regeneration. He recovered enough to finally ask, “Who are you?”

The woman responded, but not in her own voice. “I am who I have always been, but now I come as a warning. You know nothing of sacrifice Koschei.”

“How is it that you call me Koschei?” demanded the Master, with just a touch of fear in his voice. The woman ignored his question.

“You come from the past and have so many years to live. You think yourself oppressed, unfairly treated, but you know almost nothing of real loss or agony because you let yourself feel so little. The Doctor knows sacrifice. Through pain and scorn and heartbreak untold, he rises up to stand again. He is champion to many worlds and I will protect him, sacrificing my own life if required … indeed I already have over and over again through time.”


At the sound of her name Rose blinked.

When she opened her eyes again The Master noticed that the gold was gone and her eyes had returned to normal.  He wished he could see into her mind to find out how she’d managed to control the power. Determined to find the answer anyway it took, he started toward her but as he did so a most hated voice rained on his parade.

“Rose!” The sound was feeble but it had definitely come from the Doctor.  Hearing his voice again made Rose feel close to tears as memories of their time together were recalled and dusted off. She rushed over to the Doctor and lovingly cupped his face with the hand not holding her weapon. “Doctor,” she whispered. “I'm here.”

Despite his injuries and unconscious state the Doctor had been subconsciously aware that Rose was there. He pulled himself to consciousness, rejoicing at the feeling, but he immediately sensed that there was something different about her; she had been touched by time and the vortex. But that was impossible!  No human could survive something like that.

As his synapses and senses healed, he saw it: she wasn't his Rose. Well, she might still be, but she wasn't Rose from his present … She was from the future!  He thrust the thought from his head for now and concentrated on speeding up the healing. Whatever Rose was out there, she was facing his most terrible enemy. He had to heal himself quickly before the Master hurt or killed her.

“Doctor!”  The voice that said his name so reverently made him keep fighting and soon he was able to open his eyes. He'd been right about his suppositions concerning the Rose who was kneeling down next to him. She wasn't his current Rose, but that didn't matter. This Rose was just as brave and just as strong and he loved her.

An overwhelming urge to kiss her washed over him but unfortunately his body wasn’t in agreement. “I need to get up,” he said in a shaky, voice; but as soon as he tried, he collapsed back to the floor again.

“No Doctor,” said Rose in protest. “You're weak and need rest and ...-”

“I hate to break up this touching reunion,” drawled a voice from behind them. Lost in each other, Rose and the Doctor had forgotten the presence of The Master. “So my dear, you are Rose. I thought you looked familiar, but since there is one Rose still held prisoner you must be from the past or future. Do you know what that tells me?”

Whilst the Master spoke, Rose stood up to face him, keeping the Doctor behind her. “What does it tell you?” she sneered.

“That you are still able to travel in time. What I'd like to know is how did you know to come here. At this particular moment?” When she didn't answer him he chuckled softly. “Oh you intrigue me. You say you're human, but I think not. You, Rose, are an enigma, a puzzle, a unique riddle that I must solve.”

“Leave her alone, Master,” yelled the Doctor, as he tried to get to his feet once more. But as before his body protested and he fell back to the floor.  If looks could kill, the scowl he directed towards the Master could possibly have made his enemy regenerate.

The Master however was not intimidated. “I'd almost forgotten about you, Doctor. I must be getting soft. I was sure that I had wounded you so badly psychically that it should have taken at least another 2 hours for you to recover. How disappointing.”  The Doctor's enemy smiled cruelly. “Still, not to worry. I'll deal with you after I have a little bit more of a chat with the lovely but bewildering Rose.

The Doctor let out a string of threats and curses in Gallifreyan, which if translated, would make even a sailor blush.

His words only served to increase the Master’s jubilance in having the Doctor at such a disadvantage.  “Such strong words, Doctor but hardly threatening when you can’t even stand. I would advise you not to interfere. You know you are still weak and would lose against me in a battle of minds.”

The Master ignored the Doctor after that, so confident that the other Time Lord was in no position to give him any trouble. He walked closer to Rose but stopped when she raised her weapon. “Ah yes,” he said as he raised his hands in mock surrender. “So here we are then. Now that introductions have been made, I know you're Rose and as the Doctor says I'm The Master.”

“Master of what?” injected Rose.

“Why, of everything of course. All of space and time and everything that goes with them.”

After hearing the Master's words, Rose wondered if all Time Lords thought themselves geniuses, although she much preferred the words 'Impressive Me.' Even though she knew it would probably annoy the man she replied sarcastically, “Wow, I've heard some doozies on the Estate but that's the best whopper I ever heard. You sure you aren't covering for something else. Perhaps your shortcomings in other areas.”

If the Master could breathe fire he would have at that moment. How dare this creature insult him! He knew he could and should kill her where she stood; yet if he could persuade her to join him, he could find a way to unlock her secrets. There was also the question of whether she even knew about the power that lived within her. There hadn’t been the chance to study her further earlier as her attention has been quickly diverted by the old fool waking up. A fool that appeared to share the same emotional attachment for Rose, as she did for him.

“You mock me, Rose but that's because you know so little of what's out there.” He gestured to the Doctor, still propped up against the wall. “My old friend over there has shown you some things, no doubt, but I could show you more. Taboos be damned, I can take you anywhere in any time. No one would stop us.”

Rose frowned at the Master’s words and wondered what tricks he was up to now. “I already have the best guide in the Universe, thanks,” even though it was currently a lie.  “And he’s shown me more than you ever could, especially about respecting people or aliens wherever they come from.”

The Master cursed silently. This damned Doctor always filling the minds of his companions with rubbish.  Rose could be so much more. He’d make her see it. There had to be a way. If he could confuse her, disorient her, then he'd have a better chance of trying to get inside her head. He took a step forward and continued speaking. “You say you're not ordinary, Rose. Well I agree. You've travelled through time and space. That puts you well above ordinary. But the rest of it, what you’ve done, is unheard of.  Even attempting it would kill someone of your species.”

“Look, I don’t know what your game is ...”

“You don’t know about it, do you?  How interesting.”

“What the heck are you going on about?”

“You hold the Vortex within you.” He gave Rose a grin but it wasn’t one she could take any pleasure in.

“You’re insane.”

“Oh certifiably so I’ve no doubt, but I saw what I saw, Rose.  Your eyes were shining with flecks of the Vortex.  That is unheard of, especially in someone from your species.”

“You're lying,” spat Rose. She knew who she was. God damn it she'd spent the last two bloody years finding herself again after being separated from her Doctor at Canary Wharf. Now this stranger, this fucking pompous git, was trying to break down everything she'd worked for.

“Am I, lying?” replied The Master in a soft voice that only he and Rose could hear. “I'm a Time Lord. I know what the Vortex looks like. Do you?”

Memories from Cardiff flooded Rose’s mind.  She was inside the TARDIS and Margaret, the only living member of the family Slitheen, was threatening her.  She thought she was a goner but then the Doctor did something strange.  He opened up part of the console. Bright golden light shone forth and Margaret was mesmerized.  The Doctor had said it was the heart of the TARDIS and invited Margaret to look into it.  What she saw there, no one really knew, but perhaps she’d asked for a second chance at life because she regressed back into an egg. Afterwards, the three of them, the Doctor, Jack and herself, took Margaret back to her home planet. But Rose never could get the image of the golden light out of her mind or the timeless whispers that seemed to accompany it.

Timeless whispers ... like the presence in her mind.  The one she’d put down to instinct and experience.   No! She refused to believe it but the idea caused a further crumbling of her confidence.  She closed her eyes momentarily to refocus.

Blink!  As she shut her eyes a streak of gold flashed behind her eyelids.  It was only for a second but this time Rose noticed it.  She rubbed her eyes and then opened them.  There was nothing there but it unsettled her even more.  It must have shown on her face because the Master’s smile grew wider.

“Yes, you’ve seen the Vortex,” he said.  “And it would seem that it saw you as well. Perhaps put words into your mouth that are not your own.”

“I really am getting tired of trading words with you.”

“Oh but Rose, it’s the words that hold so much power. Like when you said you’d protect the Doctor.  The Vortex was speaking through you.” Of course since there had never been anything like Rose, the Master couldn’t be one hundred percent sure.  But he was so certain of what she was; he’d be willing to stake his current life on it.

“I didn't say anything of the sort, you wanker,” shouted Rose.  Even as she did so there was another flash of gold and this time Rose knew she hadn’t closed her eyes. The first flash was followed by another and another.  No, it’s just a trick, she told herself.  Deep down however she was having trouble believing it.

If the Master noticed any change in her, he didn’t say.  Instead he pressed on, relating to her the exact words she’d spoken earlier. “You told me, ‘I will protect him, sacrificing my own life if required ... indeed I already have over and over again through time.’ What should we make of those words, Rose?”

Remember me, embrace me.  I am part of you. Whispers started inside Rose’s head as the flashes of gold became more frequent.  She shook her head in an attempt to stop them, forgetting that the Master was watching her.  Try as she might she couldn’t stop the mayhem in her mind. The show of strength she’d carefully erected was losing to confusion and fear.

Seeing she was failing, The Master continued to taunt her. “Little Rose, who thought she was human but you couldn’t be more wrong.  Somewhere in sometime you looked into the heart of the TARDIS and took the Vortex inside of you.”

“I didn’t. I didn’t,” she replied as tears tracked their way down her face.  “I can’t have.  I would remember.”

Remember me ... Remember me ... Do not fight me.

“And it stayed, didn’t it?  Biding its time, waiting to pounce like a wolf.”

Flash after flash of golden light filled Rose’s mind.  She felt like she was on fire but still she continued to fight against whatever was consuming her.

Embrace me  ... live forever...

“Stop it, stop it, stop it!” screamed Rose as the voice continued in her head. Along with it came pain so fierce she thought she would die.  Pictures began to flash through her mind and she was helpless to stop them. She dropped her weapon as she was bombarded with memories of Satellite Five. Images were replayed for her like a home movie on a white screen.

The Doctor, her original Doctor had sent her away and she'd been furious about it. That much Rose remembered, but what played out after that was like something out of ancient mythology. She had returned to her Doctor. She'd found a way by ripping open the TARDIS console, and took the Time Vortex into herself.  She saw herself glowing, beautiful, and capable of power that was both glorious and terrible. “My Doctor! Protected from the false God,” and protect him she did.  She saved him and the Universe from the Daleks. She even revived Jack.  She could do anything but then it had all gone wrong. She was dying and the Doctor had taken the energy out of her with a kiss. One last sacred kiss she had forgotten about until this very moment. And then she had lost him, watching him regenerate in flames of gold until her second Doctor had stood before her.

The Master watched Rose's face contort in pain. Under such stress she would find it impossible to shut him out of her mind. Oh the things he could do once he was in! This Rose had so much potential. He would show her all the things she could be - but only on his terms. She would make him powerful, so powerful that even the antiquated old fools on Gallifrey would be bowing before him. Now that she was no longer armed he quickly closed the remaining distance between them.  He placed his hands on Rose's temples and began to break down her barriers one by one.

Rose felt like her body was burning. It was more pain then she’d ever known. She remembered everything now. The power she'd felt and Time reassuring her she was doing the right thing. The Master hadn’t lied. There was part of the Vortex still inside her after all this time and it was calling to her. It kept asking her to be so much more than what she once was; to be another of Time's champions. But she couldn't bring herself to accept it. It nearly killed her the first time. She couldn’t accept what it was telling her. What if she never found her Doctor? She'd be destined to live a long, lonely, endless life. Jackie Tyler’s words were ringing true.

'And you'll keep on changing. And in forty years, fifty, there'll be this woman, this strange woman walking through the marketplace on some planet a billion miles from Earth. She's not Rose Tyler. Not anymore. She's not even human.'

In her current state Rose was unable to sense the Master’s attack on her mind, but the Doctor could see. The Master had been right; he would lose in a battle of minds but by waiting and gaining strength, he at least had a chance. The Master with his lack of emotions had misjudged what love, happiness and hope could do in helping to restore one’s psyche. When it came to how he felt for Rose, those three emotions were in abundance.   Although not fully healed he managed to drag himself across the floor until he could reach Rose's hand. He couldn't take on the Master by himself, but he might be able to help her keep up her defences.

One by one the Master broke down Rose's walls. Taught by the best indeed. He would show her who was the best. And to top it all off, he’d take away one more thing that the Doctor cared about. He went back to work knowing it would soon be over.

Rose felt like she was going insane. She was surrounded by the golden light and all the while the vortex called to her. Maybe she would die. Would that be so bad? Yes? No? You could live forever, forever, forever … ghostly words echoed and beckoned her. It followed her when she tried to retreat. If only she could just …


The Doctor’s voice was faint, barely perceptible above the pain and noise she was feeling but then it came again.

“Rose, please let me in.”

“I can't,” she wailed though she would never know if she spoke the words aloud or in her mind.

“Please, Rose you have to. The Master is breaching your defences. There is something stopping you from feeling it. If you give me permission to enter your mind the barriers will let me through.”

“How do I know it’s really you? It sounds like you but it could be the Master playing tricks with my mind.”

Rose Tyler, you might be from my future but I'm sure you can still remember the first word I ever said to you. I grabbed your hand and said 'run' and that's what we did, you and me. You trusted me then, please trust me now.”

Rose didn't hesitate. No matter what she always trusted her Doctor whatever form he took. “Yes, I do trust you. Please, Doctor come into my mind.”

The second Rose gave her permission the Doctor entered her mind. He thought it would be tricky because he wasn't touching her temples like the Master, but to his delight and surprise he was able to ease into her thoughts just by holding her hand.  The implications of that did not escape him.  Sometime in the future he would share minds with his Rose.  The thought was pleasing and he looked forward to thinking about it more once the day was saved, both Roses were safe and he had his regenerations back.  For now, though, he had to concentrate and be careful.

The biggest difficulty now was that the Master would certainly be able to sense his presence inside Rose's mind and that would undoubtedly cause him to be more aggressive in his assault.

The very presence of the Doctor inside Rose's psyche lessened the pain and fire she had been feeling. She couldn’t begin to understand why but was grateful all the same. On the down side she could now feel the Master smashing through her mind blocks one by one, and he was getting quicker. “Doctor,” she cried out, hoping he would be first to find her thoughts and dreams.

“I'm here, Rose. I'm in the heart of your mind and together we'll fight our enemy.”

“Are you alright. I don't know what he did to you earlier but you were so out of it. I don't want you to get hurt more.”

“Don't fret now. I'm fantastic,” he lied. “Rose?”

“Yes, Doctor?”

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help but see what's happening to you. There are pieces of the Vortex inside you. The Master was right in one thing. It should be impossible. No human should be able to handle it.”

He felt a wave of sadness hit him mentally.

“I can't tell you Doctor. I wish I could but it’s all still in your future.

“I understand. The curse of being a Time Lord sometimes. But Rose?”


“I can hear what its saying.  It wants to become part of you. I don't know why. Normally I'd be scared to death if you held even a small part of it inside you but she’s singing like the TARDIS, Rose.  I think she’s trying to help.”

“Then why does it hurt so much?”

“She says you’re fighting it, Rose. Don’t! I think you should embrace the Vortex. Do what she wants you to do.”

Rose was stunned. “I’m scared, Doctor. I thought it was just me going crazy - the things she’s been saying - Imagine me being a goddess of time and all that and having the Vortex make me immortal -”

“Well it’s a bit complicated and … Rose!”

The first attack from the Master had come so quickly neither the Doctor nor Rose had been ready. Cursing through the pain they used their joint mental force to retaliate against the shadow that was their enemy. Psychic attack after attack came and was returned between the two sides. The Doctor was glad that Rose's mind was strong because he could feel himself weakening. Their joint efforts however also meant that the Master was losing fire power and realising that his assault would not be the landslide victory he hoped it to be.

“Curses,” the Master thought as he realised that the Doctor had recovered quicker then he should have. His enemy had been smart too, avoiding detection as he entered his precious human’s mind. Now they were both against him, but it didn't matter. He would be the victor and all living things would bow down before him.

But The Master had not reckoned on the additional power Rose gained from having the Vortex inside of her.  The power that had initially caused so much pain was now intent on protecting her. Rose may not have accepted her fate as yet but if she lost to the other power - hungry Time Lord then everything Time had in store for the Doctor and his companion, be it in the present or the future, would not come to pass.

The Master was so caught up in his soon-to-be victory that he never noticed the bits of bright light come together to form the shape of a Wolf. He didn’t see it coming until it was too late.

The Doctor and Rose however saw everything. The golden wolf leapt upon the mind of the Master, holding him down, and forced him to see what she could do to him.

“I tried to warn you, Koschei. This power is neither for you nor for any of your kind. It is for her alone and with it she will help rebuild what was lost.”

To his credit the Master still had the presence of mind to ask a question.

“Rebuild what was lost? What are you talking about?”

The wolf growled at him before answering, “That is not for you to know. It is in your future … perhaps.” She released the Master's mind before saying, “you must leave now Koschei. Go back to your own time and remember that Rose Tyler is protected.

The Master could do little else but comply but he wasn’t going to leave without tormenting the Doctor one last time. Within Rose’s mind he turned to his old foe and sought out the Doctor’s presence. Ensuring Rose could not hear he said, “It seems that luck is on your side again, Doctor. But for how long I wonder? I've seen some of Rose Tyler's memories and you're not there. Seems you've been replaced with a pretty boy in a stripy suit. Will your hearts break when she leaves you for a regular life?  There is always the possibility that dandy could be you but I guess that all depends on how many regenerations the box took from you.  Will the price you paid be worth it? We may be able to see things in the Time Lines Doctor but even you know that death may come at any moment.  Believe me I will rejoice when that day comes for you and it might be sooner than you think.”

“Enough,” said the wolf as she sensed the terrible tension between the Doctor and the Master.  She set a golden paw on the thoughts of the Master. Instantly he disappeared from Rose's mind. The wolf, satisfied that the enemy’s presence was gone, turned to face the Doctor and Rose.

“Where … where did he go?” stammered Rose.

The wolf grinned; well she would have if wolves could grin. “Oh he's out there in the physical plane. He'll wake in a few hours and won't remember anything.”

“You … you wiped his mind?

“Yes. Not all of course but I was able to delete everything regarding meeting Henry Van Statten and Diana Goddard. He'll wake up and wonder how he got away from Xeriphas for approximately 2.9345 minutes and then look to make more mischief.”

“So we don't have to worry about the Master anymore,” said the Doctor. He was thinking about Rose’s safety as well as the box containing his regenerations.

“That is correct, Doctor.”

“Fantastic! Now down to brass tacks.  What do you want with Rose?”

The wolf turned to fix its golden stare on the Doctor.

“What I have to say is only for her. But rest assured you are part of it.”

“Bollocks to that! He stood his ground, facing down the wolf despite the pain and weakness and exhaustion he still felt. “I don’t care if you’re the Vortex. I'm not leaving her!”

The wolf raised herself up to stand on two legs. She was now face to face with the Doctor’s image in Rose’s mind. “Do not anger me, Time Lord! I cannot tell you what you want to know. If I did, you know very well that it could change the future. All I can say is that I will not hurt Rose. Neither this Rose nor the one who presently travels with you on the TARDIS.

The wolf’s words softened. “You have to trust me old friend, for friends we are indeed. Through long centuries we have travelled together though I have been silent. I have seen your pain and felt the agony of losing everyone you love. How I wish I could have prevented that, but it was not possible. But time flows through me, and I foresaw Rose who is everything you needed to bring you out of the dark.”

“But I ...”

“Doctor.” He started as Rose spoke his name. “Doctor, she's right. You have to leave. I'm from your future and I wish I could tell you what happens, but you and I both know that's against the rules. I saw you get eaten by Reapers once. I couldn’t bear for that to happen again. I ... I love you too much”

Rose felt the Doctor’s shock at the last few words she’d said. Rose! Do you mean it?

“I think you already know that I do, Doctor and one day you’ll be able to say it to me too. Well not exactly me but your Rose who’s waiting for you.”

“But I can say it now,” he protested.

He could feel Rose’s happiness blossom around him.  “Go on then,” she urged.

“Rose Tyler, I love you.”

“I know, Doctor.  I’ve always known and I’ll treasure your words forever.”

The Doctor hung his head and sighed. “But I’ll have to forget as I already know too much don't I?”

“Yes,” replied the wolf, who was now back on all four legs.

“I have to forget about meeting this Rose and what is happening now.” He didn’t want to.  With all his heart the Doctor wanted to remember this encounter and the promise of love between his precious girl and him, but it couldn’t be. To preserve the Time Lines he needed to do this and trust that everything would right itself in the future. He wanted to say so much more to Rose but he couldn't. At least not this version. Maybe he'd have the courage when all this was over and his Rose was set free.  The wolf had said the Master was no longer a threat so he’d get his regenerations back and then show Rose just how much love he was capable of.

“You will forget, Doctor, but the memories will surface when they are required.”

Something warm and soft brushed his lips, and a sense of contentment flowed through him as he felt Rose’s kiss. “There are more of those in your future, my love. You'll find your courage, Doctor. I believe in you.” Rose's words were the last thing he heard as the wolf sent him back into the physical plain.

Rose regarded the wolf with a mixture of awe and fear. The creature had saved them so she couldn't help but feel some gratitude, and the Doctor had said that the Vortex sang like the TARDIS which seemed a point in her favour.  But Rose was still fearful of what the golden animal wanted of her.

“Will he be okay?” she asked nervously.

“Of course, Rose Tyler. But there will be challenges to face and obstacles to overcome before he can truly be happy.”

Rose smiled despite her fears.

“Don't suppose you'd give me a clue?”

She felt a lick on her hand as the wolf replied. “You know I cannot but I will tell you this. The memories of what happened on Satellite Five were banished to the deepest part of your brain. I did it to keep you safe because you were not ready for what you were created for. It was only coming to this time and place that allowed me to give them back to you.

“So why did I not remember coming to this place before?”

“That I cannot tell you.  There are events that must happen to your other self which have not yet been set in motion.

Rose grimaced. “Well guess that'll have to do. But tell me this. Why me?

The Wolf whined in mild annoyance. Why did humans always have to question everything? “Did you not hear what I told the Doctor? I have been searching through all of Time and Space for you. The Rose who was brave enough to open up the heart of the TARDIS and sacrifice herself for a lonely Time Lord.”

“But I didn't die. He saved me and then he regenerated. Bloody git!”

The wolf could not contain her amusement at Rose’s last two words.  The Time Lord could indeed be a ‘git’ but there had been good reason and she needed to make Rose understand. “Yes, he had to leave you, but he did it out of love and because you made him so much better. I think deep down you know that. The new Doctor showed you that too.”

“Yeah,” agreed Rose, “we were great together but he's gone now. A feeling of anger burst forth before she could quash it and she lashed out at the Wolf. If you've been in me all this time you'd know we lost each other after the Cyber-men and Dalek attacks at Canary Wharf. Why didn’t you come out back then?  Maybe I could’ve still been with him.” She couldn’t stop the sorrow that flooded through her. Out on the physical plain, she knew she’d be sobbing. “We made a dimension canon and it worked so I've been looking for him for so, so long but I can’t find him and it hurts, wolf, it hurts so much.”

Waves of grief flowed over and around the wolf. She wrapped Rose's mind up with her own timeless essence and gave her what comfort she could.  While Rose sobbed the Vortex sang to her songs of hope and freedom.  She sang of worlds old and new and finally the song of the Doctor.  By now Rose had ceased her crying and was listening in wonder.  She knew about regeneration of course but was surprised how the song changed throughout his different lives.

At last it came to her first Doctor and the music was harsh and battle- like.  Well he had said there’d been a war.  Subtle changes crept into the song but it was filled with such sadness that Rose found herself crying again, but this time for the Doctor’s pain.  It was only then that she understood how much the Vortex felt as well.  Though still not united, both the Wolf and Rose wept for the Doctor and the loss of his people.  Gradually there was another shift in the music.  Happiness and light became part of Time’s melody.  It was the Vortex’s way of showing Rose how much difference she had made in the Doctor’s life.  It was a symphony of laughter, friendship, blossoming love and the saving of a Time Lord’s soul. At the very end there was the song of hope.

Within her mind, Rose now sat cross legged on the ground with the wolf’s head in her lap. “You will find him, Rose Tyler. I can see the whole of space and time; the past, the present and the future.  Though there are many Time Lines only one remains strong and constant but only if you embrace what I am.”

“And what are you?”

“Why Rose, I am your heart's desire ... and your guide.  You know now that part of me has been with you since the day you looked into my heart. So much happened to you, yet you remained so brave and very competent but in those few times of indecision I did my best to guide you in the right direction.  It was necessary to keep you on the right Time Line that would ensure true happiness. I am part of the TARDIS, Rose and I want to bring you home.”

“I don't understand.”

“What is it that you want? Besides finding the Doctor again.”

There was no hesitation as Rose replied, “I want to be with him forever.”

“You could have that and so much more. You only have to agree to let me be part of you.”

“Look, I really want to find my Doctor and have forever with him, but last time someone took over my body and mind it didn't go so well.”

“I won't be suffocating your thoughts and actions. Indeed you would not even know I was there unless you needed me. Though I must warn you Rose, should you accept me I will alter certain things inside your body.”

“What? Why? Would it hurt? I mean you caused me so much pain earlier.”

The wolf made a noise that sounded like an exasperated sigh.

“Hey, it's a fair question! I mean this is my body we're talking about and if you want to hang about in it then I need honesty.”

“Fine! Honesty it is. No it will not hurt. It was painful earlier because your mind was not used to the power that I hold. I was trying to build mental supports for you but they were being torn down as quickly as I could build them because you were fighting me even though you didn't know you were doing it. But as to your other questions, let me put you at ease. The word forever will have new meaning for you.

But there will be more changes than just altering your lifespan. There will be children, but not just any children. They will be Time Lord infants because you, Rose will become compatible with the Doctor.  Your love for the Doctor will not just save him but help rebuild the race of the Time Lords.  Even now I can see them and they will be so much wiser and open to new ideas then those that were destroyed. Now any questions?”

For a moment there was silence but finally Rose answered.

“I want to believe you.  It’s just that the Universe keeps separating us.  Just when we’re so happy it all falls apart, like when my first Doctor regenerated. And then that horrid day and the white wall at Torchwood.  My second Doctor and I were torn apart from each other.  How can I believe that it won’t happen again?  Please, wolf.  You say you see all of time and space; then please, please show me some proof.

The wolf growled but it was not in anger. “I can see why the Doctor loves you. You’re as stubborn as he is.  Be at peace, Rose and open your mind.  I will show you proof.

What followed was a montage of images that left Rose stunned and tearful but this time they were tears of joy.

“I … I can really do all this? I will be able to make a promise to him that will last forever? I can really have him as my husband and give him children?”

“Yes, Rose. This is your reward for loving the Doctor and his reward for all the sacrifices he has had to make. It is a great responsibility but one that will be carried out with so much joy and hope for the future. What do you say Rose Tyler?”

“I have so many questions, but since I met him I've always chosen to be with the Doctor. Had we not been separated, I would never have willingly left him. I would never want him to be alone. Now you tell me that I will find my way back to him and we’ll be together with a family and all. I know some part of me thinks this is crazy and mental, yet that’s been my life with him and we were happy.  I want him to feel happy again so yes, I willingly accept your offer. I want to be with him.”

“A wise choice indeed! Close your eyes dear Rose and when you come to, you and I will be one.”

Rose did as she was told knowing without doubt that her hopes for the future were brighter than ever.

When she woke she was surprised to see she was still on the floor in the room she'd discovered her first Doctor in. She thought she'd find him next to her but was disappointed. As she looked around she finally found him curled up under an office desk. The sight of him amused her until she saw that across the room near the table was the Master. Now Rose was thankful for the privacy of where the Doctor lay. He was well hidden unless one chose to seek him out. The Master looked like he was still out cold so Rose trod as softly as she could to the table to examine the interesting box on top of it. She traced the designs with her fingers and placed an ear to the top of the box. Inside she could hear whispers but they were so faint she couldn't make out what they were saying. I wish I could remember what you are. I just know I've seen you before, she thought.

“I think you'll find that belongs to me,” said a voice from behind her. Rose turned around quickly to find that the Master was very much awake and armed with her own weapon. She mentally cursed herself for such stupidity, but outwardly she remained remarkably calm.

“How do you figure that then? Don't see any names on it. How do you know it doesn't belong to me?”

True to the wolf's promise the Master replied, “I have no idea who you are my dear, but I can tell you now that box is not yours. This box is from my home planet where such technology is far more advanced than anything you earthlings can think of. It belongs to me and I'll be taking it.”

Rose didn't know what to do. The box was important. She somehow knew that without a doubt, but why did the Master want it? She called to the wolf inside of her. Tell me what to do!

When she didn't receive an answer her heart sank. Perhaps she had dreamed all that had occurred. She blinked once and a sudden heat filled her. It was not the painful fire of earlier but more of a gentle warmth that promised much. Had she been able to see her eyes she would have noticed that the brown was flecked with gold.

The Master of course immediately saw the change but had no idea what was happening. He moved to grab the box off the table but Rose stepped in between, blocking him.

“You foolish girl. Whatever you are, you don't know who you’re dealing with.” When she didn't move he raised the weapon, expecting her to scream and plead for her life. She didn’t. He fired. The woman simply lifted her hand and deflected the laser that should have killed her. It was only then that the Master conceded that he might be far outclassed.

Carefully he stepped away from the woman who now appeared to be surrounded by an aura of golden light. As he did so she spoke, “It is not for you. What was taken unfairly will be restored and what was once broken will be made whole. If you interfere do not look for mercy because there will be none.”

The Master never moved so quickly in all of his very long life. He didn't have a clue what the strange woman was talking about but a sense of preservation told him that perhaps it would be better to flee and live another day rather than enrage a power greater than he.

As he left the building he suddenly found the ground fall away beneath his feet and the scenery disappear around him. Some 1.456 minutes later he landed on his bottom on the floor of his very own TARDIS. Well at least that was something to celebrate even though he couldn't explain what had happened to him.

The Master picked himself up and walked to the console of his time machine. He was so engrossed in working out what he wanted to do next that he failed to hear Diana Goddard approach.


He looked up in shock at the woman who stood near him. She looked angry and was holding a pistol on him. “Who are you and what are you doing in my TARDIS?” he finally managed to ask.

The woman frowned and looked a little confused but she did not lower her weapon. “You don't know me?”

“I've never seen you before in all my years and that's quite a few.”

Diana tried a different line of questioning. “How about Henry Van Statten?  Do you remember him? He's human. You and he were concocting some plan that involved slave trades and ...”

The Master did not let her finish. Eying the weapon in her hand, he moved as close to her as he dared. “I am the Master. I do not make plans with humans, a race so beneath me. I should kill you for even suggesting it.”

“So what about me? I'm human. Does that mean all those nights we spent together meant nothing? Or don't you remember those either?”

The Master gave a scornful laugh and moved to the other side of the console to tweak some controls there. “My dear, what is your name?”


“My dear Diana. What an over active imagination you have. I sleep with a human? I'm a Time Lord and would never lower myself to such a level. And even if we did, you would mean nothing to me. Just a bit of fun which might be amusing, I suppose, but grows dull very quickly. I really don't know where ...”

He didn't get to finish his sentence as Diana, having heard enough, used the butt of her pistol to knock him unconscious. She went to her room and gathered a few things including some of the expensive trinkets the Master had given her. She had loved him but she didn't break down in tears. The life of a Time Agent was mostly solitary anyway, so leaving someone you loved became a way of life. She'd miss this strange man and she'd miss Henry Statten too, but it had been a while since she'd had a good adventure and the stars were calling her. Diana programmed a destination into her Time Vortex Manipulator, pressed a button and disappeared from sight.

The Master woke up in the console room wondering how he came to be unconscious for the second time that day. He never did figure it out.

Back in Van Statten’s office on Gwilgoloth, Rose from the future was learning to deal with the aftermath of having the wolf inside of her. She couldn't see herself but had she been able to she would have seen that her eyes were now back to being just brown and the golden aura that had scared the Master had disappeared. She did however feel somewhat ill and shaken so she sat down on a chair to regain her composure.

“Will this get any easier?” she asked of the power inside of her.

“I cannot tell,” was the reply.

Rose chuckled softly. “Fat lot of good you are. Okay then, so, this box. What is it? Why did the Master want it so badly and what was all that jumble about making things whole again.”

“The box is Time Lord Science. It is a rare piece and I have not seen one for many, many years. They were never used and were in fact banned. Deemed too dangerous and too harsh a punishment though the Time Lord High Council never seemed to think twice about forcing a regeneration which is equally cruel.”

“That's horrible!”

“Yes, there is much the Time Lords cannot be proud of. But I digress from your question. The box contains your first Doctor's future regenerations. They must be restored to him. You, Rose must do this.”

Rose was silent for a moment, as she pondered over what the wolf had said.  “So you’re saying if he doesn’t get his regenerations back, the Time Lines change and my Doctor might never exist.”

“That is a possibility, Rose Tyler.”

“But I don't understand. If I take the box he’s going to be confused and upset.  He’ll think he’s lost his regenerations forever.  Why not just leave the box here? He'll wake soon and then he can work out how to get them back himself, can't he? Surely he knows how the technology works.”

“Of that I have no doubt. But he will be unconscious for at least two hours and during that time the box will be left unguarded. If something were to happen to it then the future will be changed and there is nothing I can do to stop it. He has friends downstairs that could help but it must be you Rose Tyler, with your experiences and all you’ve learned and with me as a part of you. Things have been set in motion that cannot be changed. You must take the box with you now and give it to your Doctor when you find him. He will know what to do next.”

“When I find him? Don't suppose you'd care to share an approximate time frame?”

Rose felt like she was being hugged. “When the time is right, Rose. You will find him.”

“Well then,” said Rose out loud. “Guess there's no time like the present to start looking. When I find him I'm going to make him explain why I can't remember stuff, and he better have a darn good answer. But there is just one more thing I need to do.”

She padded softly over to where her original Doctor lay. Her heart went out to him as she thought about how much he had suffered. Being careful not to touch him she whispered, “You and the other me have a long road ahead of us yet, but it will be worth it. I'll take care of the box and make sure it gets back to you.  I don’t know how or when yet, but you have my promise. I don’t want anything to change what we will have together. I love you, Doctor.” Before she could change her mind, Rose placed a brief kiss upon his lips then stood up to make her way to the table.

Picking up the box she carefully held onto it as tightly as she could whilst pressing the button on the device that would send her back to Pete's world. For the first time since starting the jumps, Rose felt that she was closer to finding her Doctor than ever before and her heart filled with joy at the prospect.

The Doctor woke up feeling strangely refreshed. That was until he remembered the price he'd paid to save Rose. To add to his distress he remembered the Master ripping through his damaged psyche until he became unconscious. He searched the room, looking for the strange box, but it was not there.  He knew that the Master would no longer be on Gwilgoloth and the box that held his stripped regenerations was lost with little hope of it being retrieved. The Doctor had faced down many evil things in his life, and once or twice he had even been all but consumed with fear. But he’d never felt such bone-deep terror and hopelessness, until now.

The sound of the office door opening pulled him from his misery. A cry of “Doctor' echoed around the room before arms he knew so well wrapped themselves around his neck. Hot, wet tears were soaking into his jumper as the owner of them repeated his name over and over again. Fear gave way as it always did in her presence. How could it survive when his Rose was near? Rose! The Doctor pulled her tighter against him and cried tears of his own, breathing her in while his hearts rejoiced that she was in his arms and safe once more.

romance, fic, nine/rose

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