Leap of Faith (33/?)

Nov 03, 2011 19:58

Author: amberfocus
Characters/Pairings: John Smith (alt!Nine)/Rose Tyler, Toshiko Sato, Jake Simmonds, Mickey Smith, Ianto Jones, Jackie Tyler/Pete Tyler, Tony Tyler, various original characters.
Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Fluff
Rating: Adult This chapter NC-17
Betas: amyo67, ramblinsuze
Summary: Hiding from the Family of Blood, the alt!Ninth Doctor turns himself into John Smith via the chameleon arch and with his companion Toshiko Sato, takes a job at Torchwood. He clashes with everyone he meets and Rose Tyler, the beautiful young director of Torchwood Field Operative Training and the daughter of his boss, is no exception. AU after season 2.
Warning: This chapter is not safe for work, not safe for school, not safe to be read around your children. Explicit Sex. As in John and Rose finally make love.

Ch. 33: http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/490340.html

Previous Chapters: http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/327895.html

rose, nine, romance, nine/rose, ninth doctor smut, ninth doctor fic, adventure, ninth doctor

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