Through The Storm - Chapter Six

Jun 29, 2011 07:30

Title: Through The Storm
Author: stillbrainfried
Characters: Nine/Rose, Donna Noble, alt!Pete Tyler, Mickey Smith
Rating: Teen (for now)
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Romance, Reunion (does that count as a genre?)
Beta: bratflorida, although I changed a few words since then
Disclaimer: Does it really need saying?
Summary: On Darlig Ulv Stranden she had promised herself that she would have a fantastic life. And she desperately hoped he would do the same. Until they met again. Set in the same alternate universe as Wings of Gold, which means Nine never regenerated but Doomsday happened anyway.
A/N: Chronologically, this is the first chapter set after Wings of Gold, and it will probably make more sense if you've read that.

Previous Chapters

Chapter Six - in which Nine plans to go to Cardiff... )

rose tyler, nine/rose, ninth doctor, ninth doctor fic

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