Nightmares (Wreck-it Ralph. Ralph & Vanellope. 1/1)

Nov 26, 2012 21:39

Title: Nightmares
Fandom: Wreck-It Ralph
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wreck-it Ralph, Vanellope von Schweetz
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters used
Rating: G
Word Count: 446
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): Spoilers for the movie if you haven't seen it.
Author Notes: Written for 1drabble's prompt Weakness. AU-ish cause I'm sure Video Game characters don't need to sleep but we're going to say they do for the sake of this little ficlet.
All mistakes are my own as I don't have a beta.


He’s no longer surprised whenever the door to his bedroom creaks open. Nor is he surprised by the soft pad of feet as they approach the bed. Since the day they saved Sugar Rush and it’s inhabitants, it’s become something of a habit. It confused him the first few times Vanellope came. She never said a word, just slipped into the room and into the empty spot beside him The little girl ignored all questions when asked and simply curled up into herself and turned away.

It wasn’t till she woke up screaming one night that he realized why she always came to him. The younger racer was having nightmares. He knew she would never tell him for fear of appearing weak.

“Cy-bugs” she finally told him after yet another night of screams.Vanellop wrapped her arms around her mint green and white clad legs and drew them to her chest, staring anywhere but him.

He nodded, now understanding why she always came to him. As an unofficial big brother, Ralph offered her one of his kindest smiles and wrapped his massive hand around her in comfort.

“Hey, it’s okay to be scared,” he pulled her close and Vanellope shot up, gripping his shirt tightly in her little hands. “Everyone is scared of something, even me.”

Vanellope looked up with watery eyes, “Really?”

Ralph nodded, leaning down to her, “Yep, want to know what scares me?” Vanellope nods eagerly, sitting up on her knees to hear him whisper, “gummy bears.”

The girl stared a moment before she fell back clutching her stomach as she laughed. Ralph threw up his hands, “I’m serious! They’re so creepy with their beady little non-existent eyes! It’s like they’re staring into your soul!” Vanellope kicked out her legs as she continued. He smiled, happy to see her being herself once again, even if it is at his expense.

“Oh, that made my night,” Vanellope giggled as she sat up properly, wiping a tear from her eye and offering him her first real smile in a while. Grateful, she reached out and rested her hand on his. “Thank you.”

He nodded, holding her hand between his thumb and index finger. “Anytime kiddo. Now let’s go to bed. Big game day tomorrow.”

The girl laughed and clamors up the bed and settled under the sheets. Chocolate eyes watched as he does the same and before he knows it, Vanellope made her way up on his chest. A large hand securing her in place, “Goodnight, Princess Stinkbrain.”

“Goodbye, Major Diaper Baby.”

Her nightmares came less and less after that, but it didn’t stop her from returning every night after they are finally all gone.


rating: general, disney_char: wreck-it ralph, type: friendship, fandom: disney, disney: wreck-it ralph, length: 100-500 words, disney_char: vanellope von schweetz

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