Take a Picture. (Covenant. Caleb/Pogue.)

May 09, 2009 21:59

Title: Take a Picture.
Fandom: The Covenant.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Caleb/Pogue, Reid, Tyler.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): Crackiness, Slash, Innuendo.
For: ships50, Prompt 26. Pink, [ Table]. & 100_tales, Prompt 22. Pink, [ Table]

Take a Picture

“Hurry up!” Tyler hissed as he peered through the curtains of the bathroom window.

Reid grunted in annoyance as he twisted the final bottle cap, “Finished.”

“Good, they just pulled up.”

Reid pushed Tyler out of the way to see Pogue’s yellow motorcycle and Caleb’s gray mustang pull up into the driveway. “Shit,” the blonde cursed making a grab for Tyler’s hand and dragging the young boy down the stairs, making it to the living room and plopping down on the couch just as the front door opened.

Pogue entered first laughing, pausing under the doorway as he stared at the two boys, “What the hell are you doing in my house?”

Reid shrugged nonchalantly as Tyler flipped through the channels, “Your mom let us in before she went out.”

“Whatever,” the longhaired teen rolled his eyes at the two younger teens as Caleb pushed him further in so he could close the door. Pogue continued to scowl as he shrugged out of his leather jacket disappointed that his plans were ruined by the sudden appearance of the two youngest members of their group.

“Try not to break anything,” he grumbled looking directly at Reid and Tyler, “I’m going to take a shower.” The two boys seemed to perk up at his statement and his green eyes narrowed at the pair as he walked pass in favor of the shower.

Caleb sat down on an armchair beside the archway, watching the two younger boys, “So, what did you do?”

Reid turned to their with a smirk, “Not to much actually,” his lips twitched as the sound of raining water came from upstairs. Tyler wisely refused to look at the older boy in fear of spilling the joke.

“Right,” Caleb sighed as he leaned back into the chair for more comfort.

The two younger warlocks simply smiled with their eyes trained on the ceiling. Caleb shook his head, closing his eyes as silence fell other the three of them. The sound of the raining water was calming but the effect was also weighed with the mental image of a wet and naked Pogue under the facet, making impossibly cute faces as they joined together. It seemed like ages before the shower was turned off and an even heavily silence fell over the trio. Caleb’s brow arched upwards in curiosity over the usually talkative duo. He’d just opened his mouth to question them again when a yell came from upstairs.

“That’s it!” Pogue yelled, the teen running out of the bathroom and down the stairs, “I’m going to kill your blonde ass.”

Reid laughed as he and Tyler raced out the front door, smirking at Caleb, “Take a picture for us.”

They were gone by the time a towel clad Pogue appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Despite his state of dress the longhaired teen through open the front door preparing to blast the two troublemakers to oblivion.

Caleb stifled a chuckle as he slowly approached the seething teen; Pogue’s fiery green gaze turned to him “Don’t you dare laugh Caleb! I can’t go out like this.”

“I don’t know, I kind of like it.” Caleb stated, reaching out to run his fingers through the still damp locks.

Pogue blinked, clenching to the towel around his hips, “You like it? It’s pink.”

Caleb shrugged, “It’s…different.”

The longhaired teen scoffed, “Whatever,” his eyes wondered back out the front door, “they just better watch their asses.”

The older boy made a noise of acknowledgement, “before you go off and kill them, let’s have some fun.”

Pogue’s brow rose and any question died on his lips as Caleb forcefully closed the front door and pressed him against it, the older teen’s hungry lips finding his in a matter of seconds. As Caleb’s hands slid down his slick body and finding the hem of the towel and pulling it from boy’s waist, Pogue forgot about any notions to kill Reid and Tyler.


length: 501-1000 words, rating: teen, fandom: the covenant, character: caleb danvers, pairing: caleb danvers/pogue parry, character: pogue parry, character: tyler simms, type: slash, character: reid garwen

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