A Fighter. (3/50) (Crossover. Elle Bishop/Scott Summers.)

Feb 15, 2009 20:47

Title: A Fighter.
Fandom: Heroes/X-Men Crossover.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Elle Bishop/Scott Summers (Beginnings/Friendship); Professor Charles Xavier.
Rating: PG.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): Season Three spoilers for Heroes.
For: crossovers50, prompt: 43. Strangers. [ Table]
Previously: Short Circuit, Little Girl Lost.

A Fighter

She was cold. That was the first thought to run through her mind as she regained conscienceless. Slowly, her eyes fluttered opened. Her head hurting more than she cared to say, just another reminder of what Sylar almost did to her. The little blonde pushed herself up more than a little bit surprised to see Scott Summers resting in a chair beside her bed. Elle couldn't stop the little smile that came to her lips.

"He hasn't moved from that spot for hours." An elder and British tinted voice stated.

Elle turned to the source quickly; instantly regretting her action as she held her head in her hands. "Ow."

"Are you all right?" The bald man asked softly, reaching a hand forward.

She tried to shift away; "I'm just peachy."

The man smiled, "Quite a fighter aren't you? I'm Professor Charles Xavier. This is my Institute for the gifted."

"Elle Bishop," she offered, staring at the elder man. His face looked oddly familiar and yet, like the furry blue Doctor McCoy, she couldn't place where she had seen him before.

Xavier nodded; "it seems you had quite the accident."

"You're telling me. I've been through hell." She stated smoothly before catching herself, blue eyes narrowing at the friendly older man. "What do you what anyway?"

He chuckled, "To help dear. That's the purpose of my institute, to help those much like yourself."

Like me? She thought. How could anyone be like her? So far she could clearly see she wasn't like these people. They were too goody goody.

Xavier smiled, "Yes like you." She blinked in surprise; "all my students are young power trying to harness the powers they have been given."

"I know how to control my power!" She stated only to lurch forward, hands digging into the flesh of her shoulders as she powers took control. Her already worn body feeling hundred times worse then it had been moments ago.

"I want to help you." Xavier said, staring at the young woman with the most serious expression she had ever seen. He wasn't lying. She could tell that much but this Xavier, Scott, and Hank all of them must want something from her.

"We aren't seeking anything from you. We only wish to help." There he went again reading her mind and with that near blinding smile of his.

"How did you..."?

He cut her off, "May I?" He asked, extending both heads towards her. She didn't know what he was doing when he gently held either side of her head and pulled her forward. All she knew was the weird sensation that traveled through her body as she closed her eyes and images of Sylar's attack flashed through her minds' eye. She froze not wishing to re-watch what had happened. She didn't want to see herself being held down by the invisible force as Sylar stood over her with his hungry smile. She could feel the pain as though it were only yesterday and at that point she had enough.

With a sharp gasp, Elle pulled back and stared at the older man. Eyes narrowed, "What the hell did you just do to me?"

Xavier sighed, meeting the woman's intense gaze; "I'm a telepath. Forgive but I used my ability to see what you were refusing to say."

She growled, "That's an invasion of privacy. Next time I'll shock you!" Her threat died as once gain her body shocked itself and she cried out.

Xavier smiled sadly; "you're welcome to stay as long as you wish. We will help you."

He bowed his hand and for the first time since she began to speak with him, Elle noticed the wheel chair he used to leave the room.

"How are you feeling?" She jumped at the sudden question.

Eyes narrowing at the familiar voice "don’t do that Summers." He gave her a lop-sided smiled; "everyone needs to stop asking me that question. I'm getting tired of answering it."

"I'm sorry."

She waved him off, pausing when her stomach grumbled...rather loudly. She glanced at Scott, who was trying hard to fight back a full smile.

"Do you think you're up for walk?" He asked, standing to his feet.

She nodded, "I should be fine." Or at least she hoped.


length: 501-1000 words, type: het, fandom: heroes, heroes/xmen: cyclops/elle bishop, marvel_char: charles xavier, marvel_char: scott summers(cyclops), crossover: heroes/x-men, heroes_char: elle bishop, fandom: x-men, fandom: crossover

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