First Post

Dec 15, 2006 20:11

I'm not going to be on for long but this is my first post on LJ, how

At the moment I'm on my holiday break, I've been pretty busy considering it's my break. I just got back from a birthday party today, in which I got hardly any sleep (but was great fun, I shall discuss this in more detail later on...just for rememberance - church & choir. Ugh. ..oh and my hair was striaghtened for the first time..*shock* <-- although it was permed before so I didn't want to straighten it then!

Just a couple of days ago I was in a lot of pain from a 3 day long tramp. Argh, awful. Fun. However it caused me a LOT of grief. Blisters = about 3, bruises = too many to count, dirt and mud = EVERYWHERE. It was gross, painful and monotonous (almost never-ending!). If you were to ask me my favourite part, the answer is, the end when I could stop!! What made me do such an outragous and seemily stupid thing to myself? It's called Duke of Ed. Although..Duke of Ed is not all that bad, I would for example never have discovered my love for dancing were it not for me trying Ballroom this year. I love it so much I'm continuing with it even though once you've done the required amount you can stop. It's quite expensive though which is not nice news for either myself or my parents. I really want to keep dancing but don't know how long I will be able to continue, espesh since the price has just gone up (almost double!..ick).

I have made many friends through my dancing and are able to communicate easier with adult because if my experiences. In fact I have some of my adult friend's numbers! I enen came accross the weirdest and yet most amazingly scary co-incidence with my Duke of Ed, one of the wonderful women I was working with for a different part of my award used to dance professionally!....and she knows my dance teacher personally! That was a shock when I found that out. That info has been both beneficial.....*thinks of social*

Anyway I better get off now...salut!
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