Celebration of Gabrielle and Iolaus' wedding at Ten Forward [Open to All]

Jun 22, 2007 18:32

[Backdated to Wednesday after the wedding]Ten Forward was decorated for the festivities and the celebration of Gabrielle and Iolaus' wedding. Guinan had made sure there were plenty of decorations, food and drinks from all times and all planets. If she'd missed anything, the replicators were functioning properly and could provide anything ( Read more... )

andrej koscuisko, lana lang, faramir, ten forward

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Comments 144

faramir_hurin June 23 2007, 02:25:52 UTC
It isn't being one of the few guests at the wedding and thus one of the earlier arrivals here that has made me so nervous. No, that's the knowledge that I'll be doing this again in less than two weeks only for my brother. I can only wonder if he will come here. He may well not but he knows where I am.

I have not been to many weddings at all and certainly know nothing of other lands' customs. It was very different, even not knowing what to expect. Now here I am, knowing the bride and her best friend better than anyone else here so far. I've met her husband once and his friend not at all.

Who has Boromir invited to his wedding? I think I'm nervous and I'm not even doing anything.


12labors June 23 2007, 12:18:31 UTC
Hercules paused in the doorway to look around. He was the first of the wedding party to arrive at the reception, having gone ahead with the excuse that he wanted to see if Guinan needed any help. In truth, his intent was to be certain that there were no dangers laying in wait for the newlyweds that would mar their special day. The last thing they needed was a surprise appearance by Callisto or Ares.

Happily, Hercules found nothing untoward and so walked into Ten Forward with one less burden on his broad shoulders. Time to relax and celebrate!

Never one to stand on ceremony, Hercules approached the young man he'd seen at the ceremony but had not recognized. A friend of Gabrielle or Xena, then. "Hello," he said pleasantly. "Thank you for coming."


faramir_hurin June 23 2007, 14:08:03 UTC
I turn, pleased at least to know who has spoken to me. The description was accurate.

"You're welcome. I was very honoured that Gabrielle would invite me, especially since I had not yet met Iolaus at the time." I smile to recall the ceremony, odd though it was. "They glow in each other's presence: it is wonderful to see."

I flush slightly. I know who he is but I'm guessing he doesn't know me.

"Pardon, my name is Faramir, son of Denethor, from the land of Gondor. I know from speaking to both Gabrielle and Xena that it is not on your world."

I remind myself to shut up.


12labors June 23 2007, 22:34:35 UTC
"They do fit well together, don't they?," agreed Hercules with a smile. "I don't think I've ever seen Iolaus happier. No, I take that back. I've never seen Iolaus happier. Gabrielle brings out the best in him."

Hercules extended his hand in greeting to the young lord. "It's good to finally have a chance to meet you, Faramir. Gabrielle speaks very highly of you. I'm Hercules."


captjlpicard June 23 2007, 14:35:57 UTC
Jean-Luc had enjoyed the handfasting ceremony, especially seeing one performed in person. He'd witnessed a few on the holodeck of course, but this was so much better. He only wished that his archeology professor could have witnessed it with him.

His gaze caught Guinan's and he silently asked if everything was in order. With her reassuring nod, Picard mingled among the other celebrants.


oldestcharmed1 June 25 2007, 15:34:21 UTC
Prue had seen this man at the ceremony and she had to admit his unusual uniform caught her eye. Which may be why she is smapping off a couple more shots of him at the reception.


warriorxena June 23 2007, 15:47:56 UTC
Xena arrived before Gabrielle and Iolaus and nodded to Hercules where he was speaking to Faramir. She knew that the son of Zeus had had the same idea that she did. They were making sure this day went perfect for their friends.

Satisfied that there wasn't anything wrong, she moved to the bar and ordered an ale. Her gaze swept the room, locking on the form of Autolycus. Xena gave him a silent warning to stay away from the guests in anything more than a social interaction.


andrejkoscuisko June 24 2007, 01:38:25 UTC
Looking around, Andrej saw a woman of exotic beauty, tall and dark. She moved powerfully but with grace. Security of some type and high in rank, too - she was obviously confident.

So was Andrej, centered in himself. He walked directly to her, gave a slight bow and said, "Good greeting. I Andrej Koscuisko am. Please allow me to intrude upon your time." He moved his hand forward slightly to take her hand and kiss it if she would allow.


warriorxena June 24 2007, 02:08:52 UTC
Xena raised one eyebrow watching as the man reached for her hand. It wasn't a threatening move, but she wondered if he was a thief like Autolycus. She allowed her hand to be taken, her keen gaze watching for any attempt to pick a pocket or steal something off of her.

"Xena of Amphipolis." She nodded her head in a small greeting.


andrejkoscuisko June 24 2007, 02:45:01 UTC
"Miss Xena," he said and kissed the back of her hand. Her name was interesting. He could not call her by 'Amphipolis' and was forced into a familiar usage. Perhaps that was not so awful; he sought familiarity. He would have to keep control so that his fish did not get ideas of its own.

She was watching him closely. Also interesting. Political security? Perhaps she was herself equivalent of a judge? That would explain much though she seemed too young to have obtained such a position. Maybe it was inherited as was his own.

Instead of speaking, he gazed into her eyes. He had to look up to do so. Not dark, but she must be able to see his pupils had dialated.


vedran_avatar June 23 2007, 15:59:18 UTC
Trance had noticed the small gathering at the lake and the posters around the village that there would be a celebration open to all in Ten Forward. She had never been one to turn down a party and to meet new people. Besides her curiosity was up for what had happened.

A small handwritten note for her roommate sat in their hotel room, letting Lana know where she was and that she should come to the celebration when she got off of work. Trance entered the brightly decorated room with a beaming smile. She loved parties and made her way to the bar to order a drink.


hrothbert June 23 2007, 22:54:05 UTC
Bob had seen the posters about town and found his curiousity piqued. The curse that bound him to his physical skull prevented him from ranging as far as the lake but the establishment for the party was within his limits.

He'd not been to Ten Forward before since he had no use for food or drink (although he occasionally missed both). He found the door propped open and so walked inside, appearing for all intents and purposes as solid and real as any other mortal. Inside, he recognized only one person; Lord Faramir, who was already engaged in conversation with another. Not wishing to interfer, Bob moved out of the main stream of foot traffic toward the bar, being careful not to touch anyone or anything in his path.


vedran_avatar June 23 2007, 23:32:21 UTC
Trance picked up the cocktail she'd been served and smiled widely at the gentleman that joined her at the bar. "Isn't it a pretty color?" She held up the martini glass with the light purple liquid in it for him to see. "I asked for something purple. I just love purple. I have no idea what this is, but it'll be an adventure."

Her eyes danced with delight. "Were you at the lake with everyone?" Trance dropped her voice in a conspiratorial whisper. "I wasn't, but you probably already figured that out since I asked if you were there. I love meeting new people."


hrothbert June 23 2007, 23:46:23 UTC
Realizing that he was being addressed, Bob politely turned toward the voice and found himself looking at an exotic, lovely young woman.

"Alas, no, my Lady. I was not present at the ceremony itself," he confessed. "In truth, I only learned of it just a short while ago but thought I would attend the reception and offer the happy couple my congratulations."

And yes, the beverage she was holding was indeed a most lovely shade of purple. Bob wondered what such a thing would taste like but managed to repress a sigh.


iolaus_lj June 23 2007, 23:01:58 UTC
All the way to the village from the lake, Iolaus couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Gabrielle. He'd walked into several trees and tripped over at least two rocks that way, eliciting giggles from his new wife and lots of conciliatory kisses for the ensuing bruises.

My wife, he thought, the words running round and round in his head in a stead, dizzying, wonderful loop.

Hand in hand, he stopped to kiss her after every few steps, as if to reassure himself that she was still real and that this was not just a dream. When he wasn't stopping her, she was stopping him . . . and so it took quite a bit longer than anticipated for them to arrive at their own wedding receiption.

When Iolaus and Gabrielle finally walked into Ten Forward, it was hand in hand and with eyes only for each other.


potadeiabard June 24 2007, 00:24:48 UTC
Gabrielle squeezed Iolaus' hand, still not believing that they were married. The ceremony had been everything that she'd hoped for and more. True to Hercules' word, nothing had happened. There had been no sea monsters, Hydra, Callisto, or anything else the village might have thrown their way. They had even escaped the random singing that had happened to others in the village.

"I guess I can confess now that I was worried that a lake monster would attack after we'd said our vows." Gabrielle smiled over at Iolaus. "Too many years of being with Xena and preparing for anything. Not that I would have minded wiping off the demon goop from my husband."

My husband Gabrielle loved how that sounded.


iolaus_lj June 24 2007, 01:08:45 UTC
"Just between you and me, I think Herc and Xena probably wiped the place clean of monsters and their entrails before the wedding," said Iolaus. "I didn't buy Herc's whole 'out for a morning jog' line for a minute."

He grinned. "So no hydra goop, but I'll bet I can find something else that works just as well."

Like the virtues of those nifty little squeeze containers full of liquid chocolate they'd discovered a little while ago.


potadeiabard June 24 2007, 01:53:39 UTC
Gabrielle turned her head to look at him, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Can you? I know you're very resourceful." She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips, pulling back only slightly to speak again. Her voice soft and her lips gently brushed his as she spoke. "Something much better?"


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