Mar 23, 2007 17:14
O'Leary Montagu felt much better now. He'd had a hangover in the morning but the pharmecist had given him something -
Slipped him a Mickey Finn, the son-of-a-bitch druggist -
Then the detectives had come just in time for his lunchtime with Mrs. Cuthbert.
Oh and everything went terribly, with the detectives and his dancing and Mrs. Cuthbert got angry with him and then, well....
He felt much better after vomiting. And Livia loved him.
She said he needed looking after.
She'd brought him to her fathers church and before he had left for afternoon tea she said she'd marry him. Of course not right away, she clarified, but he had time, time for Livia. He'd given her the book, to read. She'd understand like Mary never did.
He put his hand in his pocket.
Ah, yes. It was there.
And inevitably, the way lemon jiffies always had their effect on him, the bathroom called to him.
He turned to head inside of Knights Kilbrack....only there was no Knights Kilbrack.
And thus, here stands a very confused O'Leary Montagu
ooc: O'Leary Montagu from Jamie ONeill's Kilbrack, he's a bit neurotic and a bit ugly what with the scars on his face and all but he's friendly. Have at