No one at the wheel - OTA

May 21, 2017 20:39

It was a glorious Sunday afternoon in the village of Haurvatat, and one young man in particular was enjoying it. Cedric Diggory, wizard and all-around Goody Two-Shoes, found himself reclining on a blanket in the park, watching and listening to the progression of life around him.

The village Powers were ... otherwise engaged? It had been more than a year since Cedric's last direct experience with them. Since then, no invasions, mysterious alterations, or transformations - at least to his knowledge. Yes, the basic rules of the place seemed to be intact. The mystic barrier around the village surroundings remained in place. People continued to arrive and depart, though to Cedric's mind it was not nearly so many as had been. Still, food, water, power, and other resources continued to appear in the various shops.

For a while, Cedric had been nervous - worried that the unusual quiet heralded some kind of shutdown. That the village might simply collapse into oblivion was a frightening thought. For those like him, who had been slain in their former lives, where would there be to go? Was Cedric only alive by the agency of the Powers, and would their departure mean that he would simply vanish or return to the grave? He understood the fear of the elderly and the infirm, who knew that their end was closer than ever and would only continue to approach.

In time, though, that had passed. Life continued, and Cedric had chosen to create his own meaning for it. He would do what good he could, for whomever would permit it. He would be a friend, a lover, a kindly stranger, to those around him. He would live, as well and as long as he could.

And if, in the end, his memory passed from history as so many others before him had, his life had mattered to him.

Cedric sat on his blanket, smiling at the butterfly that had settled for the moment on his outstretched hand before moving on into the sunlit afternoon.

Live as long and as well as you can.

[ooc:  Not the closing of the curtain, much as it might read that way! Feel free to come enjoy life with this happy young man.]

cedric diggory, park

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