Holiday Gift Basket (forward-dated to Xmas morning)

Dec 21, 2015 06:07

At 12:01 am on December 25th, a very large covered gift basket abruptly appears outside the door to room 690, a large tag indicating that it is intended for one Draco Malfoy. If one were to listen closely, one could hear the faint sounds of breathing coming from within ( Read more... )

draco malfoy, cedric diggory, hotel

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black_nimbus01 December 23 2015, 01:21:36 UTC
Draco had actually turned in early the night before in anticipation for much Christmas revelry the next day. Of course he was not one to sleep late on Christmas Day. Ever. There were presents to be delivered before anyone woke up!

And so it was at half past four that Draco nearly fell over the large gift basket left outside his door. The next minute was spent staring at the delivery in bewilderment.

He poked it, and then gave it a good prod. The thing was more dense than expected. After levitating the package in to the flat, Draco finally opened it. And then promptly laughed.

"Cedric, you bloody beautiful wanker! You actually did it!"

[Holllly hell that's hilarious.]


evenprettydead December 23 2015, 02:16:48 UTC
Cedric shifted contentedly on the soft cushions, a faint smile on his lips briefly. The basket was delightfully warm, whether it was due to the young man himself or a further enchantment.

[ooc: for the wizard who has everything. *g* ]


black_nimbus01 December 26 2015, 00:58:06 UTC
When Cedric didn't wake up, Draco put his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side. While the picture he made was a lovely one, truly, he had to wake up some time.

Draco kneeled and brushed a few loose pieces of hair away from the man's face with a gentle touch.

"Cedriiic," he sing-songed softly while grinning.


evenprettydead December 26 2015, 01:59:13 UTC
"Mum, it's the week-end ... " Cedric muttered, shifting around some more. A hand found the edge of the basket, and the Hufflepuff frowned, opening a single eye.

"Oh, balls ... "


black_nimbus01 December 27 2015, 01:04:43 UTC
Holding back a loud snort took all of Draco's self control. He had to take a moment and actually rub the urge out of the muscles used for smiling and laughing.

"No mothers here, love," he said with a slightly high-pitched voice, and then cleared his throat. "You seem a bit confused."


evenprettydead December 27 2015, 01:13:23 UTC
The second eye opened, warily. It took a few moments to register his surroundings - and lack of effective clothing. The basket, of course, clinched it.

"So ... Christmas morning, then?"


black_nimbus01 December 27 2015, 01:53:49 UTC
Draco grinned and nodded. "That it is." He flicked the bow and chuckled. "How did you manage this all by yourself?"


evenprettydead December 27 2015, 02:00:07 UTC
Cedric flinched a bit at the contact. "I didn't, in fact. I conjured the basket last night, and was going to just sneak over in the morning and get in - apparently the village decided to 'assist' me."

He shook his head, smiling a bit - it certainly wasn't the first village joke on him.

"So, Merry Christmas, I suppose." He waves his arms a little. "Surprise?"


black_nimbus01 December 31 2015, 22:52:28 UTC
Draco sat on his heels and laughed. "Merry Christmas, indeed. I quite like this gift. Full marks on the presentation."

He hummed a little as a thought occurred to him. "Were you intending to make your way here wearing just the bow and then get in, or was that another village addition for my benefit?"


evenprettydead December 31 2015, 22:59:05 UTC
Cedric's color had steadily been working towards matching the bow's own. "I was going to change in the hall - just some shorts with a bow on top."

He made a face, hips shifting a bit. "They've run the thing all the way around - very thorough."

The Hufflepuff grinned, always trying to be a good sport about things. "So, you'll not be returning me, then?"

Being lugged, basket and all, onto a customer service counter as a gift return was an amusing image - even to Cedric.


black_nimbus01 January 1 2016, 21:17:45 UTC
"For your sake, I hope they went with real satin," Draco said, trying not to laugh again.

"That depends entirely on you," he said with a smirk. "Are you going to break on me?"


evenprettydead January 1 2016, 23:30:57 UTC
"I don't think they were overly concerned with expense." Cedric confirmed.

"As for that, I've no idea what sort of guarantee I'm under." The Hufflepuff's grin broadened as he glanced around the basket. "I don't seem to have come with a manual. Hopefully you recall how to use me."


black_nimbus01 January 9 2016, 07:29:46 UTC
"I remember some of the ways," he said and returned the grin. "You'll have to remind me of the rest. Anything else in that basket of any use?"


evenprettydead January 9 2016, 12:28:17 UTC
"There's something ... " Cedric said, rummaging around in the basket near his feet. He retrieved what looked like the same economy-sized bottle of lubricant that he'd kept in his own dresser drawer, handing it over. Far more surprising was the pair of leather-padded handcuffs that he found.

"Oh dear ... " The Hufflepuff stared at them for an awkward moment before handing them over. "The village powers have some interesting notions certainly." Noticing the House Token around his neck, Cedric slipped it off and handed it over as well. "So that makes it official - I'm at your service once again."

Draco had an unfailing ability to make him blush, but it was moments like this that most reminded Cedric of how safe he felt with the blond wizard.


black_nimbus01 January 17 2016, 16:17:49 UTC
"Lucky, lucky me!" Draco twirled the token between his fingers and sat on his heels, eyeing Cedric with speculation. "What ever am I going to do with you? So many choices..."

He tapped his bottom lip with the token as he went over the extensive list in his head. Finally he stood and held out a hand. "Up! First things first: out of that basket. It's hardly big enough for one, never mind two."

Draco's bed was far more sturdy any way.


evenprettydead January 17 2016, 16:26:50 UTC
Cedric took the offered hand, getting out of the basket with some difficulty. "It was surprisingly comfy, though. Do you want to unwrap me?" He shifted his hips, the mass of ribbons still in place along with the large bow.


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