Mar 20, 2015 22:15
*He's angered up, so beware.
Annatar had not felt so irritated in a while. He couldn't say a long while because, while his visit to the village counted in years, it was still single digits. Wait a few hundred more and it could be a long while. He wasn't entirely certain why he felt this way but he'd woken up agitated. He hadn't remembered consciously deciding to sleep, which in itself was a bit odd. He hadn't slept regularly since he was with Adam (or Felecia.)
Today was just... Things weren't wrong and he was contemplating on when to give Draco his gift. Perhaps for the upcoming spring holiday. There were always holidays on Earth. How did humans ever get anything done with their pathetic lifespans and always taking time for some holiday or another? He'd have to ask Draco, but not now. He didn't really want to see his friend. He wasn't sure he wanted to see anyone. Perhaps that idiot Numenorean or the Elf or the Dwarf. No, no Elves. No Dwarves. They tended to think they were so skilled at making things when they weren't half as good as he was on his worst day. Two thousand years ago.
He hadn't even bothered to put on fine clothes today, just a shirt, trousers, and boots. No doublet, no cloak, no jewels. He could go work but he didn't feel like it. Perhaps he should have auditioned for that opera-thing, but then he'd have to work with people. He didn't want to deal with people. Perhaps he should have stayed in his room.
LJ is being weird about posting and logging in again.
Was unable to see Khan's entry until after this was posted. Am leaving it in case anyone else wants to tag, but plan to tag that.