And in this corner, weighing 16 stone... (OTA who wants to fight him)

Mar 20, 2015 20:14

(ooc: The fight with Martin comes first, all others happen after that)

Khan had felt no small amount of aggression earlier in the day. Fortunately his self-control was such that it had been safely vented on paper targets long since shredded. Or at least he felt he'd safely vented it. The shopkeepers may have felt differently, or perhaps their own ( Read more... )

khan, sauron/annatar, streets, thrall!plot

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annatar_s March 21 2015, 03:27:01 UTC
Am tagging here but leaving his post up. It took too long for me to be able to post for him and I don't want to remove all my efforts. For some reason, your post didn't show up until after I had posted mine. Go fig.

Annatar had not dressed in his usual fine attire, choosing only shirt, trousers, and boots. Yes, they were expensive-looking and well made, but not his usual silk doublets. He wasn't wearing any jewelry at all.

He just couldn't decide what to do with himself. He'd woken (!) feeling not right with anything and that Man walking down the street looked entirely too self-satisfied for his own good. Sad, pathetic human.


savagery_wanted March 21 2015, 04:01:06 UTC
(ooc: Looks like I happened to tag in while you were writing your post is all...)

Khan, in turn, measured Annatar, weighing his visible advantages and potential weaknesses. It was a matter of course for the ex-dictator, but usually he was more circumspect about it.

Today, for some reason, he didn't give a damn who knew he was measuring people up.


annatar_s March 21 2015, 05:12:17 UTC
Annatar was used to people looking at him. His clothing was unusual, beautiful, and expensive and his jewels were unique. Then there was his height, his beauty, his earns, and his very long hair. He noticed the self-satisfied one looking and raised a perfect eyebrow.

"What are you looking at?"


savagery_wanted March 21 2015, 14:32:22 UTC
"Someone else who's feeling a little over-sensitive, apparently," Khan said calmly.


annatar_s March 21 2015, 18:22:16 UTC
"Do you mean me?" Annatar asked with just a touch of amusement. "How would you know that I'm not always like this?"

He didn't know the man, after all.


savagery_wanted March 21 2015, 21:55:42 UTC
"You're not the first person I've seen today use that line. And the other person wasn't Joe Pesci either."


annatar_s March 21 2015, 22:54:38 UTC
"Just because others have said it does not mean that I might not always be this way." On another day he might have asked who Joe Pesci was, but today he didn't care.

"Or if people are saying it today around you, perhaps the problem is not them, or us?"


savagery_wanted March 22 2015, 01:35:17 UTC
Khan appeared to consider that a moment. "Mmmno... no if the problem were me, there would be more bodies on the ground.

"The problem must be you."


annatar_s March 22 2015, 05:34:13 UTC
"I've solved problems that way myself." He smirked nastily. "For longer than you can imagine."

It looked like a mortal.


savagery_wanted March 22 2015, 12:25:12 UTC
"For a whiner, that would be rather impressive..."

Since Annatar had just been trying to imply ht was usually over-sensitive, hadn't he?


annatar_s March 22 2015, 23:04:29 UTC
"You've been having problems with people today and I'm the whiner?" Perhaps this one was confused.

"Perhaps you need to study the mirror's reflection more clearly so that you can better see what you are."

Annatar smiled and stepped forward.

"Let's just start with your name."

Annatar is going to pull something like he did to the Joker, only instead of showing his own memories, he's looking for things in Khan's mind. It would be surface thoughts, and Khan will be able to pull away. Annatar is showing now, not forcing. Don't know how far you want to go with this.


savagery_wanted March 23 2015, 12:52:03 UTC
"I know exactly what I am..."

He stopped the moment Annatar looked into his mind.

Khan Noonien Singh.

He didn't even think about the attack. Khan stepped forward while he threw a left hook with his fingers extended, intending to fracture Annatar's windpipe in a swiping blow. His right hand started coming up from his waist, open-palmed.

He moved faster than a man would be able to counter and with enough force to pulverize human bone. Khan found no reason to fight to hurt. When he fought, he fought to kill as efficiently and quickly as possible.


annatar_s March 23 2015, 18:48:20 UTC
Khan Noonien Singh might be moving faster than a man could counter, but Annatar wasn't pretending to be a Man. He moved back to avoid the blow and was ready for any others that might be forthcoming.

"You don't know what I am. You're just a human." Not an ordinary one, but most likely human. That was Annatar's next little project.

What are you?


savagery_wanted March 25 2015, 03:13:54 UTC
Khan had actually expected the dodge backward - that was why he'd stepped closer. He flowed through the recovery and followed up with an attack by his right hand, moving forward a bit faster (testing Annatar's reaction-speed) with a flat-palm strike just below the belt-line (but above the groin). At no point does he over-extend himself in his attacks.


(ooc: He's intending to burst Annatar's bladder in the unlikely event the blow lands. :p vicious, vicious Khan.)


annatar_s March 25 2015, 18:42:41 UTC
An easy (for an Elf-body) side step and graceful turn had Annatar reaching for the back of Khan's neck. That would give him some pressure points to play with and keep the 'better' from fighting so hard.

Better than what?

"Not better than me."

Elf physiology, with Maia hard-wiring. Better, stronger, faster.


savagery_wanted March 28 2015, 04:08:05 UTC
Khan pulled backwards immediately after Annatar grabbed Khan's neck. He reached across his body with the hand from the opposite side of himself from the more-than-an-elf with an iron grip - unless Annatar wanted to give up his advantage before he could use it.


He didn't waste breath on speaking.


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