Backdated to March 14th (Lust/Lowered Inhibitions)

Mar 18, 2015 12:20

Castiel felt so STRANGE today. Sure, he knew he stared at people a lot, but his focus seemed to have changed: chests, butts, thighs... he was staring at them more now than he had when he was human. He'd thought about hiding away but realized pretty quickly on that he didn't feel ashamed for looking. Actually, he didn't think he'd feel ashamed for ( Read more... )

stiles, streets, krissy chambers, loki, castiel, kilrenko, holosuite, thrall!plot

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krissy_chambers March 18 2015, 23:56:43 UTC
Krissy was excited today. She was more excited than usual and even though it seemed strange, she didn't want to stand Stiles up, either.

She showed up wearing a girl-fit jersey she didn't know closely resembled the ones from Stiles' school and pants that would make it easy for her to move around on the field.

"Hey." Krissy smiled when she saw him. For some reason the thought that he looked really good today seemed louder than usual in her mind.


sarcasticstiles March 25 2015, 16:05:34 UTC
"Hey Krissy! You ready to kick some butt today?" He asked and turned, his eyes widening just a little. "Cool, nice jersey! Beacon Hills colors."

Stiles motioned down to his sweatshirt, which was maroon and white and had the school's name and 'Lacrosse' written across the front. The back had his last name and the number 24. "Sometimes it's cool that things pop up here out of nowhere, or else I wouldn't have this."

[[Sorry, having some RL issues so slowtime is love even more than usual.]]


krissy_chambers March 28 2015, 00:23:18 UTC
Krissy glanced don and then to his shirt and smiled back. "I totally went to the store for something and the lady handed me this."

She had to wonder if this was some sort of doing by the village, but it wasn't something Krissy felt compelled to dwell upon.

"Yours looks more official, though. Maybe one day coach will give me one of my own." She joked, then nodded.

"I'm totally ready."

[[Don't worry about it! I'm okay with slow time. Life happens and you're worth waiting for =) ]]


sarcasticstiles April 23 2015, 16:12:36 UTC
"Well, it looks good." Stiles cleared his throat, and then continued. "We should start with a warm-up first. Do some drills, and then play the actual game." Stiles grinned. He was really excited to be playing again.

[[Awww, thanks! Yeah, I didn't mean to disappear for like almost a month...oops. RL will do that to you. Also, I needed a moment after seeing that Gabe's mun dropped. :( ]]


krissy_chambers April 24 2015, 01:38:30 UTC
"Okay, sure." Krissy headed for the door and entered Ten Forward.

"You're the expert, so I'll follow your lead and try to keep up." She grinned over to him as they neared the holosuite.

[[I saw that too :( ]]


sarcasticstiles April 24 2015, 02:56:21 UTC
"Oh, I have no doubt you'll be able to keep up." He opened the door for her, trying to be polite. "You fight vampires, I'm sure you can throw around a lacrosse ball."


krissy_chambers April 24 2015, 03:05:08 UTC
"Do I get a prize if I'm a quick learner?" Krissy joked as the room suddenly transformed into a Lacrosse field. It still took her time to get used to the idea everything was fake around her. It felt and even smelled real.


sarcasticstiles April 24 2015, 14:24:35 UTC
"Maybe a 'Most Improved' certificate, but only if I get one for the lessons we're taking together at the dojo." Stiles grinned over at her, then blinked as he looked around, taking in the view. The change was always a lot to take in at once.

"Okay, well we used to start with stretches and some jogging, then some catch and shooting practice, so I guess that's as good a place to start as any."


krissy_chambers April 25 2015, 03:40:16 UTC
Krissy grinned. "Sounds good to me." She started in a slow jog out into the field, then picked up speed. It felt nice to be doing something and she had to admit doing it with Stiles felt especially nice.


sarcasticstiles April 25 2015, 04:19:16 UTC
It did feel good, and Stiles started jogging with her. He almost wanted to just call the game off and ask her if she wanted to go play tag or something, but... well, kids their age didn't play tag. He stopped playing tag like two years ago, at least.

No, playing some lacrosse together would be fun for sure. He started jogging a little faster, around the field, and kept hold of his lacrosse stick.


krissy_chambers April 25 2015, 17:56:39 UTC
Krissy tried to mimic the way Stiles held his stick as she jogged. She found that she looked over to him a bit more than she normally did. Something about him today...

After they were warmed up, Krissy came to a slow stop as she caught her breath. "What's next, coach? Shooting, right?"


sarcasticstiles April 26 2015, 13:31:02 UTC
Stiles noticed that Krissy was pretty fast. Then again, he supposed someone had to be to fight vampires.

"Yeah!" It was so strange to be called Coach, considering his relationship with Coach Finstock. The man honestly and truthfully hated him.

"Sure, I'll play goalie, and then we can switch. We'll play catch after and then get the game started."


krissy_chambers April 26 2015, 14:23:12 UTC
She nodded, moving in front of the net so she could start to shoot. If this was baseball, she would be more in her zone. Throwing something right from the hand seemed easier to Krissy. She knew the stick was supposed to be an extension of her hand, but it still felt a little awkward.

Krissy placed the ball inside the netting and looked at Stiles at the net. After a slight pause she swung, trying to get the ball passed Stiles and into the net. Her form throughout the entire shot was a little off.


sarcasticstiles April 30 2015, 23:37:04 UTC
At least the ball didn't fall out of her pocket and land beside her. That used to happen to Stiles a lot.

The ball went left of the goalpost. He reached out to grab it, but it was just a little too far.

"Not bad." He said as he went to retrieve it with his stick. "Here, try it again." He threw it back to her, slowly and carefully.


krissy_chambers May 3 2015, 02:32:20 UTC
Krissy managed to catch the ball. This time when she sent the ball flying, it headed for Stile's head rather than any part of the empty net. She realized after the ball had left the stick and her eyes widened.


sarcasticstiles May 6 2015, 12:56:50 UTC
And it definitely went flying. Maybe if Stiles had werewolf-strength and agility like Scott, he'd have been able to stop it, but he wasn't that fast. The solid rubber ball hit him right in the forehead. Of course, he'd had all his gear on except his helmet (they were just practicing after all).

"Ahhh, crap! Ouch." He groaned as he dropped the stick and moved a hand to his head.


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