Backdated to March 14th (Lust/Lowered Inhibitions)

Mar 18, 2015 12:20

Castiel felt so STRANGE today. Sure, he knew he stared at people a lot, but his focus seemed to have changed: chests, butts, thighs... he was staring at them more now than he had when he was human. He'd thought about hiding away but realized pretty quickly on that he didn't feel ashamed for looking. Actually, he didn't think he'd feel ashamed for ( Read more... )

stiles, streets, krissy chambers, loki, castiel, kilrenko, holosuite, thrall!plot

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green_god_loki March 18 2015, 19:21:00 UTC
Loki and Kilrenko stood outside the Sin and Inferno, chatting. What astonished Loki was that they hadn't met before... not with her admitted history of working the brothel side. Loki spotted Cas first and brought him to Kilrenko's attention. "Now he seems your sort..."

Kil looks over her shoulder and her lips curl on seeing the Angel. "Oh, yes... but I'm not his sort. He prefers someone else."

Loki laughed. He paused the conversation until Cas came into close proximity before saying, "He might find you acceptable today, I'd wager."


c_a_s_t_i_e_l March 18 2015, 21:49:47 UTC
Castiel spotted both Loki and Kil talking with each other. Now there was an odd couple. His eyes ran over Kil's body, then Loki's as he got closer and then finally spoke.

"I didn't know the two of you were friends."


kilrenko March 19 2015, 00:39:43 UTC
"We don't," Kil says. She largely ignores Loki's hand as it slips behind her to end up on the curve of her derrière.

Loki chimed in, "I cam outside for a break from watching my bouncers toss too-lusty customers, and happened to meet this lovely creature.

"Do I take it that you two know each other?"


c_a_s_t_i_e_l March 25 2015, 14:36:44 UTC
"Too lusty?" He repeated, more to himself than them. But didn't wait for an answer before speaking. "Yes, I guess you could call us old friends at this point."

[[Sorry, having some RL issues so slowtime is love even more than usual.]]


green_god_loki March 28 2015, 04:18:35 UTC
(ooc: No worries. *offers internet hugs* RL takes precedence, naturally)

"This," Loki said as he nodded to the strip joint. "Is the Inferno. Look, but don't touch. Next door is the place where you can touch all you want."

Kil looks surprised and pleased at being called a friend. "Thank you, Cas..." she says, clearly touched.

She walks up to him, intending to hug him (but deferentially enough that he could step back and she wouldn't press it).


c_a_s_t_i_e_l April 23 2015, 15:38:24 UTC
"I'm aware of these buildings and what happens behind their closed doors."

Castiel decided that there was nothing wrong with a hug. He may have even hugged her back a little, a hand brushing down her back and then lower. Um, oops? He wouldn't admit that it wasn't an accident.


kilrenko April 25 2015, 15:36:25 UTC
Kil gives an arch little purr into Cas' ear at the exploring hand's journey, and presses herself to him a little more. She lightly lays her cheek on Castiel's shoulder, breathing hot air over his neck.

Loki smirked. "Then you know that when men touch my girls, they get booted out the door. I've ejected five guys and one woman so far today," Loki said as he sauntered over to the two.


c_a_s_t_i_e_l April 25 2015, 16:07:43 UTC
He normally would have frozen up or even gotten nervous, but it felt so good that he didn't want to resist.

"Was he kicking you out when I came along?" Cas asked Kil, teasingly. "I know you've been known to get... handsy."


kilrenko April 25 2015, 16:55:56 UTC
Loki laughed quietly as he got within arms' reach. "I was offering her a job," he said.

Kil licks Castiel's neck. "As a private dancer..."


c_a_s_t_i_e_l April 25 2015, 17:35:31 UTC
Castiel shivered, making no attempts to pull away. His hand still rested on her ass, and he squeezed it gently. Hm, firm.

He glanced to Loki. "She'd excel at that, for sure."


kilrenko April 25 2015, 18:46:05 UTC
Kil moans softly and gently sucks on the skin of his throat, moulding herself to him.

Loki smirked as Kil started slowly dry-humping against the angel. "I think she likes you..." Though he wasn't entirely surprised when Kilrenko pulled him close and ground against them both.


c_a_s_t_i_e_l April 25 2015, 21:34:47 UTC
"I know."

Castiel thought that he should probably be feeling at least a little guilty about this turn of events. He did have a girlfriend, after all, though they had never fully discussed if they were exclusive or not.

Either way, the urge to do something about this urge deepened. He found himself moving an arm around Loki as well. Though the being was taller than him (in their current forms anyway), he wasn't nearly as broad as Cas.


kilrenko April 26 2015, 00:30:15 UTC
Kill leans in and kisses Cas full on the mouth, her own lips open and her tongue seeking entry.

Loki murmured just for the ears of the three of them, and completely unknowing of the irony, "Ooh, you devil." He slipped his arms around the pair of them as well, groping two asses at once.


c_a_s_t_i_e_l April 26 2015, 00:50:59 UTC
Cas found himself moaning a bit and opening his mouth to Kil as he leaned into Loki's touch. After a moment, he pulled his mouth away only to speak.

"Perhaps we three should go somewhere a little more comfortable."


kilrenko May 1 2015, 03:32:34 UTC
Loki grinned and murmured into Cas' ear, "We have a lovely little bed in a private room..." he followed it up with a lick and nibble.

Kil giggles. "I knew that 'no touch' rule wouldn't apply to me..."


c_a_s_t_i_e_l May 1 2015, 13:32:24 UTC
Castiel nodded and kissed along Kil's jawline, letting out a soft moan, his hand more firmly groping Loki's ass. Yes, licking was good. He enjoyed licking and being licked.

"Then let's go."


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