The New Years Eve Slushy Plot Begins! (OTA, tag Jack Frost)

Dec 31, 2014 05:56

Early in the day, Kilrenko came across two heated tureens in the back area and had an idea. A little shopping later and she started preparing. By lunchtime, she had two large portions of hot, mulled cider prepared. One is non-alcoholic (because she has one underage staffer, and figures he might enjoy the fruits of her labor), and one has rumShe ( Read more... )

kilrenko, antiquitus, jack frost

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jack_fr0st January 1 2015, 01:16:12 UTC
The general excitement in the air for the new year has Jack restless. Since the lights were still on at Kilrenko's shop, he decided to stop by. Maybe see what treats the aroma belonged to. Being in the village was starting to give him sweet tooth.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" he asked as he slipped inside the shop. "I thought you'd be partying at a bar or something with everyone else."


kilrenko January 1 2015, 03:09:44 UTC
Kil looks up and smiles as Jack walks in. She shrugs lightly ... and perhaps (out of habit) a little deceitfully.

"There's only a handful of people here I care enough about to hang out with, and one of them is underage for the bar." She gives a little smile and indicates the tureen marked (but not containing) non-alcoholic cider. "That's why I've got the 'virgin' cider, there."


jack_fr0st January 1 2015, 03:19:25 UTC
"Maybe you need to get out more." Jack inspected the tureens with interest. "Smells good. Why cider specifically? Just a holiday thing?"


kilrenko January 1 2015, 03:58:19 UTC
"Didn't we already have this discussion?" Kilrenko asks with a dry smirk, regarding the number of friends she has.

"It's a holiday thing," she confirms. "I'm not sure why, but hot mulled cider - with alcohol for adults - is a midwinter treat. Would you like some?"


jack_fr0st January 1 2015, 04:12:53 UTC
Jack put his hands up in surrender. "All right, all right. I can take a hint."

He looked between the two tureens. "Sure, why not? It is a holiday after all."


kilrenko January 1 2015, 05:47:55 UTC
"With or without rum?" she asks, pouring herself a mug from the alcohol-marked tureen before picking up a mug for him.


jack_fr0st January 1 2015, 20:14:07 UTC
"Ah, without," he said. "Alcohol has never really been my thing."

Food and drink in general were not his thing, but he thought it best to play it safe. For once.


kilrenko January 2 2015, 22:06:59 UTC
"Alright," Kil says as she scoops out a mug of cider, then hands it over.

The cider (as inspired by Trader Joe's Spiced Cider) is rather heavily spiced, with nutmeg and clove being the prime flavors that hit, rather than the aftertastes. The rum, as it were, is easy to overlook...

"To the passing of the old and the beginning of the new!" she toasts.


jack_fr0st January 3 2015, 02:01:18 UTC
Jack grinned. "Cheers!" he exclaimed before indulging in a large sip from his mug. "Mmm. That's pretty tasty stuff. I'm starting to think I should try more food and drink while I'm here if stuff like this exists."


kilrenko January 3 2015, 14:23:16 UTC
"Mmm, you've had the brownies. You should try a cupcake. They're red velvet..." Kilrenko's voice purrs, seeking to seduce Jack (but only into enjoying a cupcake).


jack_fr0st January 3 2015, 19:27:39 UTC
Jack drank from his mug and considered the suggestive suggestion. "I have no idea what red velvet means, but it sounds awesome."

He picked one up, smelled it, looked at it from different angles, and then peeled he wrapper off before eating a large bite. His eyes went wide.

"Wahw! Thehs ihs gheaht!" he exclaimed through his mouthful.


kilrenko January 4 2015, 08:40:57 UTC
Kil grins and takes one for herself. "I know, hmm? It's one of the best flavors the twentieth century came up with." She fetches one hip up on a table and finishes off her cider before biting into her own cupcake, a look of bliss on her face.


jack_fr0st January 4 2015, 20:16:55 UTC
Jack was switching between the two. "Would you be mad if I drank all of that?" he asked, mostly kidding.


kilrenko January 4 2015, 21:43:21 UTC
Kil chuckles. "Since Stiles has yet to show up and want some, feel free..." She washes down her own cupcake with another mug of her own cider.


jack_fr0st January 4 2015, 22:26:10 UTC
Jack fetched himself another mug full.

He had another in twenty minutes, and started to feel...weird.

"What did you say was in here?" he asked, and blinked a few times at the mug in his hand.


kilrenko January 4 2015, 22:57:14 UTC
"Just spices, apple cider and some heat. Why?"

The cyborg had been enjoying herself, and had turned off the mental alarm that signaled when she'd been overindulging. A warm and wide smile graced her lips and she looked even more terribly relaxed and at home in her skin than usual.


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