Masquerade Ball - Gathering

Oct 31, 2014 05:54

The Masquerade Ball was different, this was a party for adults and Buffy had wanted it to be a little bit like the Ball in Labyrinth because seriously who didn’t think that David Bowie’s Jareth was the sexiest ever? So the entry for the adult party was more glamorous (at least Buffy hoped) and the interior continued that theme. There was an area ( Read more... )

macbeth, buffy summers, masked ball, rikki chadwick, christopher chambers, frankenstein's creature, robin hood, allison young, clayton webb, martha jones, riley finn, stiles, elle bishop, krissy chambers, ruby/red, kamekona, jenny mills, jack harkness, catherine chandler, riley neal, merlin

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Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 2 2014, 19:50:30 UTC
Halloween was one of Stiles' favorite holidays. He had spent a good amount of time at the Haunted House and now he was ready for the ball- really, whatever food was at the ball. He wasn't dressed very formally, but he was wearing a costume: a Robin hoodie and green corduroy pants. Anyone looking for Stiles could find him by the snack tables.


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 2 2014, 21:36:16 UTC
Krissy didn't have a lot for a ball and she thought her original costume wouldn't be appropriate, so she threw something together with a dress and cardigan and found a crown and mask from the general store. She didn't feel entirely out of place although the ball was a little more 'classy' than she was used to.

She spotted Stiles and wasn't surprised to see him closed to the food.

"Anything good?" Krissy looked over the food selection as she approached.

[[I can't wait to read the fic!]]


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 3 2014, 01:19:46 UTC
"Some of it's fancy hors d'oeuvres, but I like the little cocktail wieners and cheese puffs." He grinned, turning to Krissy. "Huh, wow. You clean up good. I guess I'm a little under-dressed."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 6 2014, 00:28:46 UTC
"Are you trying to say I don't look good normally?" Krissy held a serious expression for a moment, then smiled to indicate she was just messing with Stiles.

"I like yours. It's a almost a costume. I had a different thing, but then I notice people were showing up in formal stuff."

She didn't want to admit that she didn't want to look out of place, but that was the case.


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 6 2014, 21:32:43 UTC
Good, because Stiles thought that that was kind of a trick question. He shoved another cocktail weenie in his mouth and then frowned slightly. "What were you going to dress as before? Was it something gorey? That would have been cool. There's not nearly enough gore at this Halloween party."

Although, given the village, maybe people already saw enough gore here.


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 9 2014, 21:55:26 UTC
"Actually I was going to go as Wonder Woman." Krissy felt a little embarrassed about admitting it and reached for some food to distract her.


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 9 2014, 22:13:47 UTC
"Really? What, like Lynda Carter-esque Wonder Woman?" He couldn't imagine Krissy dressing like that, to be honest, but he didn't say that out loud.

"Hey, at least we were both thinking DC. I guess I could have picked Batman or someone, but Dick Grayson is actually pretty overrated. At least I think so."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 9 2014, 22:25:08 UTC
"Uh, well, kind of. I found this version with pants I thought made way more sense. I mean, I've never fought against a Nazi, but I think I'd be doing it with pants."

"Most side kicks get over-looked. They're half the reason why the super heroes survive." Krissy would never admit to having this conversation to Dean. Ever.

[[I'm assuming he said 'under-rated'?]]


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 9 2014, 22:36:34 UTC
[[Oops, yes! You would be correct haha. I definitely meant under-rated and not over-rated.]]

"Yeah, I mean Dick doesn't wear pants often either, like in the Adam West 60's Batman, so... I definitely decided again that too." Stiles was rarely one for walking around in his underwear even alone in his hotel room. Pajama pants were another story.

"And you're totally right about that. The superhero gets all the glory though, usually."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 9 2014, 22:47:09 UTC
Krissy could relate a bit to being a 'side-kick' which might be why she worked hard to be a good hunter on her own.

She looked at Stiles as she ate a 'pig in a blanket'. "Is Halloween a big thing back home?"


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 9 2014, 23:04:15 UTC
[[And now spelling errors lol sorry I'm a mess today!]]

Ever since Scott had become a werewolf, Stiles had sort of been the sidekick. He felt like he was still trying to find his place in the group most of the time, even after everything that has happened. He was still Scott's best friend, and that part he was sure of at least.

Of course, now that Scott was gone things were a little weird. Scott had been gone for a couple months now, but it was taking some getting used to.

"It was a bigger thing for me than a lot of people in Beacon Hills, but that's just because I love monster movies and comic books and stuff. We mostly just had people 'TP'ing houses and smashing pumpkins and stuff. There was trick-or-treating but to me Beacon Hills has always had a sort of creepy feeling to it, even before we knew about the whole werewolf thing."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 9 2014, 23:28:37 UTC
"That makes sense." She nodded, thinking about home. "It's like that for me, too, at home. It's like, once you're in high school, it's all about destruction." She didn't get the desire to destroy things for not reason. There usually needed to be an end-game for her.

"If you feel home sick, we could always go out and smash a couple of pumpkins... of course, those could turn out to be alive or owned by someone like the Hulk..."

[[haha! Don't worry about it. I have those days too =)]]


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 10 2014, 00:11:31 UTC
"Nah, I didn't go around destroying other people's property. Well, one time Scott and I did make this big slingshot in my backyard and threw our own pumpkins out into the woods with that one year but otherwise I like breaking the law other ways you know when it's actually necessary." Stiles laughed, filling up on more of the cheese puffs.


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 15 2014, 23:01:12 UTC
That was somewhat of a relief. She didn't want to start judging Stiles, even a little.

Krissy nodded with a grin. "Yeah. I get that. Sometimes it's the only way to get in somewhere or get the information you need. It sucks, too, being a teenager, because it's not like you can go around impersonating FBI agents or something."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy sarcasticstiles November 16 2014, 03:00:05 UTC
"Yeah, that'd make it too easy. And adults never want to listen to kids even when they aren't talking about werewolves and things. I was deemed the hyper-active kid with an over-active imagination at a very young age which totally doesn't help."


Re: Stiles- OTA tag Krissy krissy_chambers November 16 2014, 04:39:59 UTC
Krissy's grin was playful as she looked at Stiles. "Hyper-active. You don't say." She joked as she reached for another pig in a blanket.


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