Family Reunion; Take 2 [closed to Castiel]

Jul 11, 2014 20:06

Well, this was it. Castiel's Willness Center. Home of yoga and hot cups of tea and probably fung shui too. It was the sort of place Gabriel would only go to if he had a very good reason, like burning the whole lot down ( Read more... )

gabriel, castiel

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Comments 115

c_a_s_t_i_e_l July 11 2014, 19:28:07 UTC
Before finding here, Cas had tried the actual church in the village, but even though his good friend, the Prophet Chuck Shurley, had worked there as a librarian he still didn't feel very comfortable at the place. He didn't belong there, and it didn't make him feel closer to Heaven or God or his siblings... no, actually the place had made him feel worse. And so, he stopped going and had gone in search of new things. That's when he met Kerai at the Wellness Center. He still missed her, and he missed Chuck too, of course. Actually, the two of them had been a couple, but that was a story for a different day ( ... )


angel_awol July 11 2014, 19:44:05 UTC
Gabriel did think the place was odd. Odd, smelly and yes, Balthazar was right. It was perfect for hippies. All they needed now were some posters about the goodness of organic granola and- ah, there was one on the wall over there. Perfect.But he had good enough manners not to mention it. Well, perhaps saying he had good manners wasn't quite true, because as he crossed the space towards Castiel, he didn't bother lowering his voice to keep his conversation private. "There's these two girls. Really hot. Seriously one has the biggest jugs I've seen since that Temple for Kali's sister in West Bengal ( ... )


c_a_s_t_i_e_l July 11 2014, 19:56:34 UTC
Some of the yoga girls looked offended by what they heard while others didn't seem to really care either way. One actually gave Gabriel a wink and brushed by him. Cas looked a bit embarrassed, but tried to deal with this in a professional manner.

"Relationship advice is better sought over at the Temple of Aphrodite."


angel_awol July 11 2014, 20:07:11 UTC
He returned the wink, raising his hand to the side of his head, miming a phone as she walked away. "Call me, hot stuff! I'll show you a new way to do the Supta Konasana!"

Then he turned back to his brother, grinning. "Come on Cas, one of them might be your future sister-in-law. Did I mention they're both Space Cops?" His eyebrows wriggles suggestively, and then he took the cup Castiel was absently holding, and took a swallow. Clearly it wasn't to his tastes, judging by the face he pulled, but he doesn't give it back.

"I wasn't actually asking your opinion about girls. No offense, but I think Anna would probably know more about that subject than you would." He glanced around, "As would that table, and that floor lamp."

He gestured Castiel towards some chairs, settling down. "I wanted to see where you... worked. Does Meg know about you getting hot and sweaty with a lot of young ladies?"


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