Father and Son (ota)

Jun 09, 2014 21:12

"I don't know...." Kyle said hesitantly. "Is it safe?"

John watched the young version of his father from across the table. It was hard for him not to look at the kid with reverence, but he did a good job keeping his expression in check. There would be nothing to gain from telling the boy who he was and what he would do. That was a burden he would have the carry by himself.

"It should be... it's just a computer." John replied.

Kyle hesitated before saying, "But... she's also a little girl."

John nodded. Alissa was a girl, too.

"I know," John said, "and we're going to be careful."

Kyle looked at John for a long moment and then nodded. Kyle trusted John Connor.


Kyle left the bakery with his head down somewhat as he walked thoughtfully down the street toward the park. His mind went to Alissa and wondered how they were going to reprogram her safely. It worried him a little.

John was close behind him in exiting, but he went down the other way toward Lemondrop Lab. He wanted to see how Eli was doing. John did not have his head down, but his eyes were thoughtful as well and his shoulders heavy with burden.

streets, lemondrop lab, eli wallace, kilrenko, john connor, momma mitchells bakery, park, kyle reese

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