Maybe it was childish and maybe it wasn't a very angelic thing to be doing, but Gabriel was hardly much of an angel anymore, and a good 99% of his day-to-day activities were deeply childish.
Besides, this was going to be fun. The lanky haired manic needed a quick lesson in humility and Gabriel was one of the best teachers out there. He'd considered the proper for of punishment for the last day or so, and head had a multitude of ideas ranging from the downright cruel to the highly illegal. But here in this unfamiliar place, he was going to start small.
And by small he meant a bucket full if sticky glue and sparkly pink glitter, sat on top the slightly ajar door of the minor god's hotel room. He'd had to "borrow" the guest book from the front desk to find the room number, but that was hardly any effort at all.
True, it did look like someone had broken into the room, leaving the door open, but that just added another layer of deliciousness to the mix. There was nothing better than getting people worried over their personal belongings and space. Their panic just made the prank perfect.
It was all set up. All he had to do was wait. He had to see the moment for himself of course, so he carefully shifted himself into a more shapely female figure, in a black and white maid get up and with a trusty cleaners cart so he could await Loki's return.