I have been changed....(closed to Glinda)

Apr 27, 2014 15:28

((ooc: Elphaba looks like this now.))

Elphaba felt strange through the night, something changed and she just didn't feel right. She woke up slowly with a low groan. Her voice sounded abnormally low, perhaps she was coming down with something. She rolled over and out of bed. Oz, she felt weired! Getting up, she made her way to the kitchen to begin making Glinda breakfast. She felt something odd brushing her leg. Looking down, her eyes widen in shock at what she sees. She quickly moves into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror.

A gasp escaped as she saw a very different body in the mirror. Her...his skin was still green but there was definitely a difference in he...is appearance. Glinda was going to freak out.

elphaba thropp, glinda upperton, clinic, hotel, gender!switch plot

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