Am I still the groom? (ota, tag Buffy an other canon folk if they want to laugh)

Apr 26, 2014 17:21

(ooc: Riley has woken up as a woman aka Cobie Smulders)

Waking up was normal until his stood up and there was hair in his face that he didn't remember having. It was what caused him to look down and notice that he couldn't exactly see his feel since he apparently had... breasts. After that, Riley spent a good thirty minutes in the mirror trying to ( Read more... )

buffy summers, hotel, riley finn, gender!switch plot

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scythe_matters April 27 2014, 15:40:00 UTC
Buffy was so used to not looking through the little peep hole that she just flung the door open. Her brow knit at the strange woman on the other side.

"Uh, hi. Can I help you?"


agentriley_finn April 27 2014, 15:43:26 UTC
The minute the door was open, Riley's hands were up defensively "Okay, so, uh... don't freak out. But, I have something to tell you."


scythe_matters April 27 2014, 19:41:38 UTC
"Oooookay." Buffy drew out the word, still not sure what the woman wanted.


agentriley_finn April 29 2014, 23:47:13 UTC
Riley could feel her stomach flip-flip. She pointed at herself. "Riley." As if it should be obvious to Buffy.


scythe_matters April 30 2014, 01:36:28 UTC
"You know Riley?" Buffy still wasn't getting it but she motioned for the woman to come inside the room. "He's here. Well not here, here but here in the village." She thought that the other woman probably knew him ---- Oh crap, did she know Sam?!?

"Uh." She moved her left hand with the engagement ring and put it in her pocket. "How do you know Riley? Were you in the same unit back home?"

You know the one with his WIFE.


agentriley_finn April 30 2014, 01:40:56 UTC
She was confused for a moment and then Riley shook her head. "No, no. I am Riley. Just not... in my normal body." She sent Buffy a look of 'I have no idea what to do and I'm freaked out I have girl parts'.


scythe_matters April 30 2014, 23:13:08 UTC
The Powers That Be hated Buffy of this she was convinced. Though to be honest she was a little (okay a lot) relieved that it wasn’t anyone that knew Sam.

“Riley?” She looked into his eyes, really looked and saw him there. “I’m going to kill the village. Can you kill a village? If not, I’ll be the first.”


agentriley_finn May 3 2014, 22:19:13 UTC
"You'll have to get in line because..." Riley wanted to say 'because BOOBS' but didn't think he should say that necessarily. He didn't want to advertise them.

"I'm kind of freaking out here."


scythe_matters May 4 2014, 12:12:37 UTC
Buffy was freaking out, too but at least she had the presence of mind to know that Rily was freaking out more. She slid her hand in his and tried mot to make an odd face when it was soft skin to soft skin.

"Come on, this deserves a beer or five."


agentriley_finn May 4 2014, 20:38:25 UTC
Riley noticed the difference too. In fact, she noticed that Buffy's hand felt even stronger than it did when Riley was normally a man.

"uh. outside?" Cause she was kind of still just in Riley's over-sized boxers and a dress shirt. This look worked far better on Buffy in Riley's opinion


scythe_matters May 5 2014, 01:06:25 UTC
"Lucky for you I have some here." Buffy led Riley toward the sofa and gently pushed him to sit. "At least we know this is short term." Of Buffy really would kill a village.


agentriley_finn May 11 2014, 03:08:37 UTC
"I hope so. I already have no idea what to do with things." Like breasts. They were far easier to handle on a woman.

Her eyes went wide. "Am I going to get a period?' Ironically the colour drained from her face.


scythe_matters May 11 2014, 18:50:12 UTC
Buffy shouldn't laugh, she knows this which is why she swallowed it behind opening a beer bottle and handing it to Riley. "I don't think the village would be that mean and besides, it's not so bad." She refrained from offering Riley supplies if he should need it.


agentriley_finn May 13 2014, 02:08:14 UTC
Riley didn't want to say she didn't believe Buffy since Buffy had been a girl all her life, but Riley felt doubtful. The idea of bleeding anywhere sucked, but from there was terrifying. Almost as terrifying as having a there to begin with.

He took the beer and downed about half of it before coming up for air. "Okay, so, we need to find whatever did this and kill it. A lot."


scythe_matters May 14 2014, 16:27:11 UTC
“Usually it’s something that ----“ Buffy trailed off. “Aphrodite! Do you remember when she made all the males hormonal a few years ago? I bet someone pissed her off and this is her revenge. So, we need to offer her up something. Maybe plead on her for love and get her to change you back. Because we’re both so not going to wear a wedding dress.”


agentriley_finn May 15 2014, 00:30:11 UTC
A shocked face pulled on Riley's face at the mention of a dress. Then he face-palmed. "Oh God... dresses." She shook her head and then took another long drink of the beer.

"Okay, we should go." She moved to stand, to go to Aphrodite's temple, then paused and looked back to Buffy. "...What should we give her?"


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