A "man" of letters (OTA)

Mar 03, 2014 19:50

That he now had bookshelves and a chair that sat next to a fireplace in which to read was a marvel. At first, the creature had crouched in his room long after the workmen had left, not daring to touch. It was only late that night when he'd lit the fire, sat in the chair, moving it to place it just right. He hadn't slept; it felt too decadent, too ( Read more... )

streets, catherine chandler, bookstore, frankenstein's creature, glaurnaneth, lana lang, music store

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glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 02:59:29 UTC
The Dragon walks out amongst the village streets, dressed casually in her jeans and thin white tee. The horns that form her 'high heels' click on the cobblestones as she walks, and her tail slinks along behind her in the air.

She pauses as she spies The Creature, her face blank and calm. Her tail comes around as if to touch him (but it stops short) and she says, as one might remark upon the weather, "You must be a fearsome warrior."


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 12:54:12 UTC
The creature's eyes blinked owlishly as he took her in. "I-I am n-not," he answered. He fought only when needed. Or filled with rage.


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 13:03:15 UTC
"How came you by such scars then?" Her tail slides over the air to indicate one of his visible stitch lines, drawing almost to the skin.

Personal space? Define it, for dragons have no such concept.


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 13:14:20 UTC
Flinching back from the appendage, the creature was wary, more than he had been since being in the village. "I w-was c-created," he replied. "M-made. From the c-corpses of others."


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 13:19:25 UTC
"Made?" she asks in (what sounds like) muted surprise. Her tail withdraws at his flinch.

She takes a step to the side, eyes following the stitch lines from this different angle as much as she can. "How was this done?"

She faces him with as much fear as she would an armed man coming at her with the intent of killing her one-on-one; that is to say, none.


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 16:38:45 UTC
"I d-don't kn-know," he stammered, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. "I w-was not alive wh-when it was d-done."


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 16:57:36 UTC
The Dragon nods, seeing the sense in this. "I am called Glaurnaneth," she says. "How are you called?"


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 17:00:04 UTC
That question, again. "I am n-not called by a n-name."


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 17:31:11 UTC
"I had no name before coming here, either. Glaurnaneth was given to me by Faramir. It means 'Golden Mother' in one of the tongues from his home."


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 17:32:17 UTC
The creature supposed that was fitting. "Where is it you c-come from?" he asked.


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 19:03:04 UTC
"Min first home was in Hrogar's kingdom. I and min son Grendl lived there. Then I found myself here, and was named by Faramir. "We made a Bargain and I went to his home, then I came back here."


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 19:08:26 UTC
The creature had read Paradise Lost, he had yet to get to Beowulf, so much of what she said sounded strange. "A b-bargain?" he asked, head cocked.


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 19:48:55 UTC
"He lay with me to beget a son, and I would keep him brother from harm with Dragon magic."


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 23:09:57 UTC
Eyes wide, the creature asked, "and y-you did?" He knew of sex - he knew of its power. And its violence.


glaurnaneth March 4 2014, 23:24:38 UTC
"We lay together, but the Gods were not kind, and I could not save Boromir from death." She still feels she owes Faramir everything, for her failing to complete the Bargain they made.


iamhumanity March 4 2014, 23:48:02 UTC
"God is not kind," spat the creature. "N-nor are people," he added. Violence and hate were what he knew humanity to be.


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