Determined to do... something? OTA

Feb 22, 2014 00:53

Most of the village had seemed entirely too over-dramatic lately, and if Castiel happened to notice, then that was saying something. He was unaffected, luckily, because since his arrival here things seemed to be dramatic enough.

He had to say that, for the most part, he was still enjoying himself here. The only downside was Lucifer. Cas was beginning to realize that he'd done a disservice to the people of the village by not yet figuring out a way to make sure his older Brother was kept under wraps. He and Balthazar were lesser angels, of course, and Lucifer was very powerful even by Archangel standards.

Cas wasn't aware of much of what Lucifer was doing here, but his deal with Anna had made it all very personal. He could no longer just stand around and wait until something happened. He really didn't think his Brother was planning a hostile takeover, but was it fair to let him roam around free?

What could he do about this?

Castiel was sitting on a park bench and looking up at the sky, deep in thought. It was something he often did when he wanted answers.

[[He's still wearing the leather jacket instead of his overcoat, so go Meg! I've been busy and slow-timed, so sorry to anyone I have threads with, especially where Stiles is concerned. My poor boy is going through a lot since Season 3B has started up and it has me nervous.]]

angel crawford, castiel, park

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