Ready for Boarding (closed to Angel)

Jan 29, 2014 09:00

It is 9 am precisely when Martin emerges from the back of Ten Forward where he has already loaded his simulation into one of the holosuites and a Cessna Citation Mustang is awaiting a pilot and his sole passenger at London City Airport.

Today Martin strikes a very different figure from his previous meeting with Angel - he's in his captain's uniform, which has been cleaned and ironed for the occasion and his hat is tucked under his arm which shows off his four stripes. His hat is a little overloaded with gold braid. Still, he's looking as much the captain as he can manage, someone might actually recognise him as such, not mistake him for the first officer like people usually to do back home. Where - of course - he would still pale next to the self proclaimed sky-god Douglas Richardson. But for Martin's standards, he's doing pretty well.

Now he's looking around, holding out for his passenger: Angel. He'd still rather it was Joan, but he is excited that he gets to share the joy of flying with someone none the less. Even if it's only in a simulation. Having someone to share it with makes it feel more real.

angel crawford, martin crieff, holosuite

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