A part of Meg had no idea why she was putting her life on the line for Castiel and the Winchesters. She knew better. She was a demon and self preservation was one of the skills you got really good at being in Hell. Even so, she had put herself in the direct path of the current king of Hell and she knew she was probably going to die
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And then to be the one to find her here, like this... It was no surprise, though, considering Cas had more than enough time here to keep an eye on basically the entire village. When his angel mojo sensed a demon arriving, well, he had to check it out.
He was yards away, but he knew it was her. Cas could see past the guise of the vessel after all, and so he knew she was okay too. So, he could still turn around and pretend like he hadn't seen her, right?
There was some guilt when it came to Meg, and for a number of reasons. For one, he hadn't told Anna that he'd kissed her before. It never came up. He never saw a point to tell her. Or about how she'd taken care of him, or saved his life a few times, and how he had basically called her beautiful in one way or another. Luckily, he had no idea about their most recent talk about moving around the furniture (Lucifer hadn't told him anything about Meg being back in his future). He'd come here straight after Purgatory, so the last time he'd seen Meg was while they were fighting Dick and the Leviathan. That had to do with the second reason he felt guilty- Cas didn't know what happened with her, actually he had assumed Crowley killed her. Although he hadn't had time anyway, he never gave a single thought about looking for her and never wondered what happened to her while he was in Purgatory. He had been too busy deciding that Hell-next-door was where he belonged.
So, to see Meg here made things very complicated to say the least. He decided she had probably noticed him by now, or was about to, and that she deserved to be told about this place from someone she knew.
Cas wasn't wearing his trench coat, and he had a bit of a beard, but he was definitely still easily identifiable. He let out a bit of a sigh before walking over toward her. "Hello, Meg."
"Did the dry cleaning and barber angels go on strike or something?" She said sarcastically as she motioned to his person.
"I chose to have it like this, actually." Then, with a slight frown. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd come and sight see. Know any good burger joints in town?" She said with her tone dripping in sarcasm.
He knows she's joking about the burgers anyway. Or is she?
Anyway, he looks her over this time. "... Crowley?" Her being bloodied was usually his doing.
"Gee. Ya think?" She said. "I mean, I just saved your ass and all, but no, it's okay, you don't have to remember it or anything."
"I arrived here straight from Purgatory. Nine months ago."
Meg paused and then rolled her eyes as she huffed out a breath.
"Of course." She said throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.
"Well, I'm dead." Meg stated while looking at him and crossing her arms over her chest. "You're welcome."
Except he probably had.
Castiel grimaced, not able to hide the guilt that he felt. "You're here in a pocket dimension. It's a small village called Haurvatat. People come here from different times and places..." His voice trailed off, and he went quiet.
"I'm very sorry, Meg."
"Yeah, well, whatever." She said with a slight shrug. "So what's there to do around here, then? I'm assuming we're stuck? Or at least I am since I got shanked by Crowley."
"Everyone uses their time here differently. Many spend some of it trying to understand this place better and others use it to try to better themselves." That was ridiculously vague, even for Castiel.
"Wow." She deadpanned, then put on a overly optimistic voice, "Sounds like, so much fun. Where do I sign up?!"
Barf, she thought.
He thought about hiding Ruby's existence here at first, but her and Meg were bound to run into one another at some point. Then again, Castiel wasn't sure what they would do when they did.
Meg's face grew somewhat serious. She could deal with monsters, but angels were another story and demons could be iffy.
"What other demons and gods, while we're at it?" Meg asked.
[[Don't think I've missed anyone that Cas is aware of...?]]
"So, three angels and one of them is Lucifer." She restated. "Sounds like a barrel of fun. Except, you know, not."
Meg guessed she should be thankful there was only one archangel.
"So how does it work, then? I mean, if Ruby's still around you guys aren't exactly all 'smitey'." She said.
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