A well-fed vampire is a happy vampire (OTA)

Aug 14, 2013 18:44

Bree hadn't fed in a while, but she was still feeding well in advance of that pesky point where the hunger really started to get to her. It'd been a bit of a trial and error process, finding out how often she needed to feed, but really, that didn't come as much of a surprise. She'd barely been a vampire at all before she'd died, so there'd still been a lot to learn.

So as she came out of the forest, she was pleasantly full and in a cheerful mood. Then again, she was in a reasonably cheerful mood most of the time. She'd come to the village a somber little thing, but so much time around Renesmee and the family, how could she not have changed a bit? She was still more than prone to moods, but now they were just that -- moods, not an all-consuming thing. She figured she could live with that.

She lifted the ever-present camera around her neck and readied it to take a shot of something interesting that caught her eye.

(Feel free to catch her about to take your picture doing something! And feel free to not like it, too!)
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