Life - OTA

Feb 28, 2013 07:21

So many things had happened since Morgana had come to the village. Some good and some bad, but they had all changed her and put her on a different path than when she'd arrived. If the rumor was true, that you had to learn a lesson before you left, she had no idea what hers was. She'd already made herself vulnerable and opened her heart of Lancelot. She'd learned of betrayal both from her and to her in so many ways and yet found forgiveness (except forgiving Uther and her mother as that would never happen). She'd reconnected with a dear friend that she hadn't known a future version of herself had cost her and learned that one day, she and Lancelot would have a son. Hopefully that one day would be sooner rather than later, but it would happen.

While those thoughts were on the forefront of her mind as she sat nursing a coffee at the Waffle Place, the one that kept circling and circling was how different her life in Camelot would have been if she'd had known that Merlin had magic or the Gauis had known. The hurt wasn't as deep as it was a month ago finding out. Logic had finally won out and she understood why Merlin hadn't confided in her even in the village. Their relationship would never be what it was before, but it would be a new one, and they would still be friends. Like her relationship with Gwen that had the added bonus of sister-in-law and soon to be aunt.

She didn't know why she was in a contemplative mood. Maybe it was all the changes in her life in a short span of time, or maybe the decision to let nature decide the when to have a child. It was time to take a good look at who she was after going through so many fires.

waffle place, felecia jollygoodfellow, merlin

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