Aphrodite appeared in the middle of the street outside her temple dressed in a
cupid outfit. Sure, her son was cupid, but the outfit was cute and she liked it and so, whatever. With her bow in her hand - it was most definitely not cupid's real bow, she glanced around at the dull spring day and then shot an arrow up into the air. The arrow flew up and then burst when it was high enough. It burst into pink sparkles that spread out over the village and sprinkled down transforming everything to Valentine-themed things. Beautiful wreaths and beds of roses, tulips, and other pretty flowers were strung from various place.
Hearts on windows and fences, soft pink links strung everywhere for when the sun went down, and little decorations of cupid floating around. Aphrodite even had the clouds participating this year as they all seemed to be in the shape of hearts.
It was Valentine's Day. It was her day. And she'd make it the way she wanted it, thank you.
Then she disappeared back into her temple, happy with the new look of the village.
(ooc: You can find her in her temple or just react to the changes. Everything goes away at midnight.)