Obesessions. (ota)

Jul 19, 2012 19:21

Wesker sat in the pub in one of the booths enjoying the fries with gravy that the place often served. It was delicious and with his new metabolism there was little he could eat that would effect him negatively. One of the perks with slowly becoming perfect. Along with the plate of fries on the table, he had a a few folders with him. One was larger than the others and was currently open. A file on Alice. Beneath hers was one for K-Mart and his newest interest, Michonne. It was a shame Amanda's file had to be put away as she was no longer in the village. A pity,

He sat back thoughtfully. He wondered since he neutralized the T-Virus in Alice's system if she had any lingering side effects. Photographs taken from the latest fight in the village displayed she was still quite strong and fast. This particularly interested Wesker. Alice was so very special, it seemed.

albert wesker, the black sheep

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