Seeking Out a Friendly Face (Tag Dale, Backdated to Sat, July 7th)

Jul 12, 2012 16:20

Glenn had fallen asleep the first night in his room with ease simply because he was incredibly tired and he hadn't really gotten a good night's sleep in very long. He awoke the next day in the late afternoon. With the power still out, it left him room to explore. The village was pretty big for what it had, though Glenn hadn't ventured into the woods at all to find out how big it was exactly. He slipped into and out of a store giving away it's soon-to-spoil food and ate by himself in the park while watching everyone. Everyone alive. But by the time night fell and Glenn tried to go to sleep, he found the empty room of his unsettling. There were no walkers. He was safe and he knew that, but the fear still tugged on his mind. There was something about being alone and away from others that was unsettling. He told himself it was because he missed Maggie, but deep down he knew there was more to it.

Once 11:30 hit and he still couldn't sleep, he decided to go for a walk. Where, he didn't know, but he brought along the shotgun with him just in case. Old habits died hard. Glenn found himself to Dale's camper. He had seen it while he had explored the village earlier, but Dale hadn't been in it when he approached. Now, the camper seemed like a beacon for his feet. When Glenn got to the door of the camper, he just stood there, staring. Should he knock? Dale was probably asleep. Why was he out here again? But Glenn didn't move from his spot.


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