Livin' Easy (OTA)

Jul 11, 2012 09:10

James had decided to go with Deb's idea of "vacationing it out", at least for a while. Maybe as long as he could afford it. After all, a little unexpected r'n'r wasn't to be sneezed at.

He'd spent yesterday exploring the town more closely. There were shops and buildings that puzzled him, but he'd also discovered a few spots he wanted to check out. So he'd made a plan for today:

Some fun at the baseball pitch, lunch at The Black Sheep (the placed needed trying out just for the name!) and then maybe make a little money at the casino. If that failed, at least enjoy a good game of cards. Surely they still played poker in 2000whateveryearitwas?

He put on t-shirt and Hawaiian shirt, grabbed his old hat off the edge of the wardrobe (it fitted perfectly on there) and headed outside.

[meet him at any of the three places]

cal mah, the black sheep

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