coming up with something to do [ota, tag Matt]

Nov 30, 2011 09:37

Jeremy was getting a little more used to the village every day but it was still incredibly messed up whenever he stopped to really think about it.  Still, it was easier not to.  It was easier to just keep doing the same thing he did every day which was get up, go to school, work and hang out with the people he knew.  He hadn't ventured outside of that routine very much besides the odd meeting in the museum with the person he thought was Mikael.  He still didn't know otherwise and he still hadn't talked to anyone about it.

Glancing up, he thought about talking to Ric but then he'd have to explain the whole thing and he knew it would make the man worry about what could happen to Jenna and the other vampires they knew like Damon, Stefan and Elena.  Even if the three weren't really from their world, it didn't really matter because Jeremy still wanted to see them safe.  Elena, especially.

After checking the clock to see what time it was, he glanced at the door since it was close to closing time and he knew Matt should be showing up soon as long as they still planned to hang out.  Humming to the music playing from the radio, he went about straightening up to kill some time before he could get off work.
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