Oct 21, 2011 20:10
Marian couldn’t quite believe she only had four months left until the baby would be born. It didn’t seem to be such a short length of time, but given how fast the past five months had flown by she had a feeling the rest of the time would be the same. Though she also had a feeling the clinic would become sick of her, so she had to try and avoid that building until it was time for her next appointment. She was generally curious about anything and everything she was going to go through and how things had changed, but there are only so many times she can go to the clinic and question them about it.
So instead she found herself in the church, sitting down near the very back as her eyes looked straight in front. She was unsure why she had chosen such a place to come to but her feet her taken her straight to the building. Maybe it was for some form of comfort or maybe she just had to think about some things. Either seemed very possible.