Making Good on a Bet [tag Rose, ota]

Mar 06, 2011 21:39

Methos sat in the lobby, eying the elevator as he waited for Rose. He was looking forward to seeing the woman again. Although apparently that was becoming something of a theme for him in the village. Meeting interesting women. Bela. Helen. Rose. That was something that seldom happened to him. He was no slouch when it came to women, but he was still ( Read more... )

sauron/annatar, the black sheep

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annatar_s March 7 2011, 10:42:52 UTC
The man did not look particularly... anything. It was the air about him that caught Annatar's eye. A new sort of power always turned his head, in this case towards something he couldn't begin to pinpoint. Old, yes, but not a wizard. He nodded at the man (for want of a better term) and would stop if given incentive. He did seem to be waiting for someone.

6'4" with black hair to his knees. Ears. Velvet tunic in late Renaissance style (more or less) and all that goes with it.


really_oldguy March 7 2011, 14:25:08 UTC
The man caught Methos' eye, as well. Mostly it was the ears. And the getup was also clearly a little less than modern. His eyes looked up as he passed and he nodded in greeting.



annatar_s March 7 2011, 21:24:48 UTC
"Good evening," Annatar returned. He was used to getting noticed. "I have not before seen you about. Are you new to the Village of Haurvatat?"

It was not a brilliant conversational gambit, but genuine and logical.


really_oldguy March 7 2011, 23:28:40 UTC
"Relatively, yes. I've been here a week or so." he confirmed, subtly taking in the 'man' before him and trying to glean anything he could.

Methos wondered idly if the man was familiar with the common handshake or not. Judging by his attire and clearly non-human attributes, he might not be. However, if he'd been among the modern people of the village he'd more than likely learned a few things, even if he hadn't been familiar with the custom previously. Hence the reason Methos then held out his hand.

"Adam Pierson, pleasure to meet your acquaintance."


annatar_s March 8 2011, 07:17:20 UTC
"No wonder I have not seen you before. I would consider a week's residence very new." He shook Adam's hand as though he'd done it all his life.

"Good to meet you as well. I am Annatar of Eregion, also called Lord of Gifts. Most here have not heard of the world I call home." He smiled. "Perhaps that still sounds strange to you. So much here is new and odd to me, and that hasn't happened to me at home in a very long time."

It was strange and mostly pleasing, actually.

"From where do you come?"


really_oldguy March 8 2011, 19:46:22 UTC
Lord of Gifts? He luckily resisted the urge to laugh. As far as titles went, it wasn't exactly imposing. Sort of like Pippin the Short. But Methos was good at maintaining the facade of courtesy.

"I'm afraid you'll have to add me to the list of those unfamiliar with your homeland."

Which was unusual for Methos. He liked to consider himself rather well-versed. Perhaps an instance of an alternate reality like Rose spoke of? Much like Annatar he seldom ran into anything new, but in the village he'd been running into it with great frequency. He doesn't say as much to Annatar, though. He doesn't freely give out that sort of information, even to someone he might consider a friend, let alone a stranger.

"Where am I from?" he repeated and the lie left his lips as easily as a truth, "I've from a plaed called Wales, but I've spent many years in England while I was at University."


annatar_s March 8 2011, 22:12:32 UTC
"I have heard of those places. A fair number here come from England." He thought a moment. "University is school, yes? I know I've heard of it but there are so many different sorts of things called schools, which we do not have. Yet."

They were such a good idea, to educate many at once and be able to control what they knew.

"I have no concern over those who have not heard of my world. Were this place more like it then I might have some but it seems to be more like somewhere on Earth, I'm told. Except for the stars, which no one seems to know." At times, but then they were not as they should be.

"Should I leave you to your peace? I am never entirely certain who would speak and who wishes to explore on their own." He'd just watch this one from a distance.


really_oldguy March 9 2011, 01:16:44 UTC
"Yes, school. It's the final stage in education. I went to Oxford. A very fine school, if I do say so myself." he looked a little smug at that.

Methos shrugged, "I've no problem speaking to you. I am waiting for someone, however. So I can't speak long, but I'd be more than willing to speak to you again."


annatar_s March 10 2011, 04:33:50 UTC
"You did have the air of one who was waiting." Hm. Some people didn't even leave their rooms for longer than a week. Adam already had a bit of a friend, it seemed.

"I'm not terribly difficult to find. The hotel has me listed or I am often in the forge. I have an area there where I work." He smiled and shrugged. "That is generally where the gifts come from."


really_oldguy March 10 2011, 05:31:34 UTC
Methos didn't like to waste time. He might have been Immortal, but the mortals that surrounded him weren't so lucky. Besides the village intrigued him, as did Ms. Tyler.

"You're a metal worker, then? What sorts of things do you forge?"


annatar_s March 10 2011, 21:58:58 UTC
"Not exactly a metal worker. The word my people use is mirdain, which most closely translates to jewelsmith." He did not happen to be wearing anything impressive today. "I simply work in the forge because the environment is most correct to what I need. I have my own tools and materials, of course."

Ah, something proper upon which he might boast.

"My most recent gift was to the Lady Artemis. In her own world she is a goddess, and so I found her a most worthy recipient of something that would use more of my talent than the average individual." He smiled, thinking of little Celeborn*. "I do not know if she has planted it yet. It is a tree that is currently about the height of my knees but should grow to three times that in a few years. He should not get much taller."

Annatar did not wish it and that much mithril would be too tempting to anyone who knew what it was.

*He decided to call the tree that because it fits and he's a smartass. It means 'silver tree'. Celeborn is husband to Lady Galadriel.


really_oldguy March 10 2011, 22:07:25 UTC
"I'm sorry-- did you say Artemis?" he just looked baffled by that, then laughed, "Oh, this village is really something else."

Methos shook his head and decided that this village was really going to do a number on his conceptions of the world and what was real and what wasn't. Luckily he was quite good at adapting. He wouldn't have survived this long otherwise.

"So, it's a tree, yet something you crafted. What is it that makes it grow?"


annatar_s March 10 2011, 22:35:54 UTC
"Yes, Artemis. Apparently there was a time when gods walked among men where she came from. She certainly has a power in her, the same as the Lady Aphrodite." I have not yet gifted her flower as I should. It has certainly begun to grow.

"It has the appearance of a tree but is made of metal and small gems, yes." It was a jewel. "I make it grow, though once the gift is given it does not need me to continue."

He smiled.

"Metal and stone are alive, only most cannot feel it. It takes longer for them to grow even once they are woken up."


really_oldguy March 10 2011, 22:52:19 UTC
"I've only known stone and metal to erode over time..." he noted, idly.

He thought on the fact that according to Annatar both Artemis and Aphrodite were in the village. Well he certainly knew that they couldn't have been from his world. He'd been alive during the time they were worshiped and he'd never seen nor heard of them walking the Earth. That was the sort of thing that tended to turn heads.


annatar_s March 12 2011, 06:55:00 UTC
"They grow also, but that is generally hidden. The erosion is visible in time." Long amounts of time. "And you are not mirdain either. Most do not see such things grow."

Besides it taking so long, it was not well known. Of course peoples such as Dwarves knew, but not Men, usually. What was this person? In time...


really_oldguy March 12 2011, 17:20:22 UTC
"Mirdain? What is a mirdain?" Methos leaned forward in his seat curiously. He seldom threw away the chance to learn something new.


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