OTA: timed to Monday morning

Apr 26, 2010 00:33

The clock on Kimberly's bedside read six in the morning, several hours before she had to leave for work, but she had given up trying to go to sleep. It seemed that way nowadays, and those nights when she could sleep, she kept thinking about home, or on some nights she would dream about her days as a power ranger. Those nights, she tried to not think that if she had her power coin, she would've actually been able to help out in the battle last week. A minute later and she gave up even trying, getting out of bed to change into some running clothes. If she couldn't get any sleep, she'd go for a run. Quietly, she slipped outside, careful to try and not wake her roommate.

It was still dark out, not even a faint trace of dawn as Kimberly started to stretch: a knife strapped to her ankle and hidden under her sweat pants. She zipped up her jacket before going off, running at an easy pace for half an hour before picking up speed.  As much as part of her wanted to curl up on the sofa, she knew if she went that route, it'd be all over.

Kim kept it up for an hour before she stopped to cool down, trying to gain a focus on her thoughts. If she went back to her room, she could get a bite to eat before in an hour of archery practice on her way to work, but she decided against it. Her hands had started to shake as of late, and there was no way she could hit the target let alone the bull's eye in this state.

Instead, she headed over to the waffle place, thinking that she might feel better after a cup of coffee. She picked a booth near the end of the restaurant.

ooc: slowtime is love

waffle place

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