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Comments 201

ifelt_fat January 5 2010, 00:18:28 UTC
As much as she despised this place, Quinn was starting to fall into a rather comfortable routine. Work bright and early in the morning, then run to the high school for classes (because being trapped in an alternate universe is no reason to fall behind in your studies), a walk in the afternoon although as the weather had gotten worse her walks had gotten shorter and shorter, and back to the hotel to do homework and read until she fell asleep. A much more solitary life than she was used to, but it would work until she could get back home to Lima.

At that moment she was just getting ready to leave the high school, history book clutched to her chest, head up but a million miles away, until she caught sight of someone all too familiar. But that wasn't possible, right? This wasn't McKinley. Unless....




cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 00:29:54 UTC
I heard a familiar voice and turned to see none other than Quinn Fabray standing before me.

This was obviously just a dream. Probably a wet dream too. I'm sure I'm going to wake up on the locker room floor in a little while. It wasn't fair that I still had dreams like this about her; she was probably going to take her top off like she normally did.

"Quinn...What's going on?" I wondered aloud, not looking her directly in the face.


ifelt_fat January 5 2010, 00:34:49 UTC
Oh if only she was aware of what was going through his head. She'd have her thousandth "Oh god, I'm dating an idiot" realization. An incredibly sweet, and gorgeous idiot, but still...

Her grip on her book loosened slightly as she approached him, looking more than a little awestruck. "You're really here?"


cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 00:41:55 UTC
I thought about backing away, but I was too confused to react. I just stood there as if I was stuck in mud. Maybe I was and maybe this was going to be another one of those mud wrestling dreams.

It felt so real though, and I furrowed my brows.

"Where's here anyway?"


lookingshagable January 5 2010, 00:28:15 UTC
Michelle was on her way out of college for the day. She had an armful of books and she was trying to reach around for the other sleeve of her jacket as she walked. All of this, of course, made for a minor catastrophe and her books went falling to the floor.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, fucking-- fuck, I'm not the only person in the hallway."


cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 00:42:57 UTC
"Oh, sorry-" I bent down to pick up some of the girl's books. "Here, let me help you with that."


lookingshagable January 5 2010, 01:14:42 UTC
She looked up at him with a grateful smile. "It's not your fault. I was trying to do too many things at once. Thanks."


cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 01:30:30 UTC
I'm not really good with accents or foreign languages. When Mr. Schue talks to me in Spanish I can't understand a thing he says, and the only accent I've had to deal with is Principal Figgin's and I haven't had to talk to him very often.

Okay, so I understood what she said though the accent threw me off guard just a little. I really hope I'm not the only American here.

I handed the books over to her, smiling slightly. "No problem. Um, so what is this place? I mean, I know its a school, but...I was just at my school in Lima and this doesn't look anything like it."


humanmapquest January 5 2010, 01:00:06 UTC
Skipping out of school as soon as the clock turned three, Molly swung her bag back-and-forth as she skipped toward the hotel, humming one of the Indian songs Grandma Suresh had taught her during her time in Chennai. It was weird, though, being in the same school with kids who could drive when she couldn't. It didn't bother her much, though; she was quite content with the friends she did have, though she missed her friends in Chennai terribly, regardless of their ages.

Noticing a teenager standing there like a deer in headlights, she walked over to him, knitting her brows together. "Hello..."


cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 01:11:03 UTC
I never know what to say to kids. It might be because I was an only child, of course it was different now that I had thought I was going to be a father for a while.

"Uh...hi. Can you tell me where I am? Is this like, the Junior High or something?" It didn't look like the one I went to.


humanmapquest January 5 2010, 03:27:36 UTC
"Um," she shifted one foot and then the other, awkwardly, "This is some town where you go when you need to find something." As awkwardly as she shifted her feet, she gave an awkward shrug. She wasn't all too sure where she was at, either, and she's been here since October. "But this is a school, for everyone. Like, if you're in High School, Middle School, or Elementary, you come here. It's really, really small."


cntfghthsfeelin January 5 2010, 03:35:25 UTC
"Huh. Weird. I guess it is small if we can all be in one building. Um, do you know where I can go to get more answers? Like...how to go home?"


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