Oct 18, 2009 08:02
Having spent the previous evening trying to understand why he was able to open his bedroom window, but unable to kick out the screen to escape outside, Bruce finally turned his attention to his neighbors. Wayne had never shared his living space with anyone, except for Dick and Alfred, before. There were no other households 'next door' to Wayne manor. And certainly no adjacent residents in his downtown high-rise. So truthfully, he saw his neighbors more as people to take care of, rather then as new acquaintances he could relate to.
Since his room was at the end of the thrid floor, Bruce methodically made his way down the hall; knocking on each door and introducing himself to everyone he crossed paths with in the hallway.
He introduced himself. Explained that he had medical training. And then began to ask questions:
"How many people are in your household?"
"Do you have groceries?"
"Do you, or does anyone you know on the third floor have medical needs or allergies that need to be addressed?"
Bruce then went on to explain that at the end of the hall, by his room, number 399, several tables were set up to pool their resources. Since they didn't know how long they would be trapped or if their food would run out, they would potluck breakfast and dinner for as long as they were stuck, or until the food ran out - whichever came first.
[feel free to strike up conversation, answer his questions or tag into a potluck gathering]
floor plot