Encouraged by the replies to his
request for assistance, the Doctor had transferred equipment from the TARDIS laboratory to his workspace at Lemondrop Lab. A centralized location for this project seemed much easier on potential assistants than bringing them all into the TARDIS, where he'd have to waste too much time giving directions to the main
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"Hello? I'm looking for the doctor...?"
"I do pretty well lately, thanks. I'm Mayko Tran." Just so that he knew who he was speaking to -- it was probable that more than one person had replied to his ad, after all.
"Please, have a seat. We've much to discuss. You say you've prior laboratory experience?"
"I thought perhaps I could help?" I asked nervously, looking around the laboratory.
"Yes, perhaps you might at that," he said, sizing her up. "And what about the position has sparked your interest the most?" He paused, his mind backtracking. "So sorry. Manners. Also, I haven't had the need to interview for an assistant since, well, since never. Still unused to it." He held out his hand for her to shake. "I'm the Doctor. And you are...?"
"I suppose my interest lies in the laboratory itself. I've never had any experience with the sciences. They don't teach them to us at Spence since it's utterly unnecessary for a lord's wife to know mathematics."
He rolled his eyes, not at Gemma herself but at her situation. "Terrible pity to not allow the study of science on the sole basis of one's gender and expected social rank. 'Spence', that is an educational institution? What did you study there if not mathmatics?"
Even after all I've seen, I have not seen anything like this lab. It's interesting already and I've only just arrived. I go to where the Doctor is and wait until he knows I'm here.
"Faramir! Good to see you again, old boy. Umm...could I entreat you to hang onto this for me?" He held the fragile object out towards Faramir. "And please don't allow the string to unravel."
"Done." I have no idea what he's doing but I can wait until he's done with it--being able to follow instructions without question and all.
"Laser scalpel," he explained, easing the tiny glowing blade ever closer to the excess end of string. "Very handy little tool. Please keep still, Faramir. The laser can't discern between braided fibers and flesh." Which was only because he had an earlier model without the built-in safety features, the curse of all early adopters of new technology.
The blade touched the string with a zap, a small length of string falling to the floor. "And now," the Doctor murmured, reseting the switch on the scalpel, "Soldering mode." The hum lowered in pitch as the Doctor took the recently cut end of string and attached it to the metal end of the bulb.
"Feeling well so far, Faramir?"
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